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  • 20231129_SCKCEN_CRF_5
    10 July '24

    Second podcast episode of R.E.A.C.T. is now online!

    SCK CEN launches a podcast about Radioligand Therapy

    Discover a new dimension of cancer treatment with the SCK CEN podcast: 'R.E.A.C.T. - Radionuclide Enables Alternative Cancer Treatment'. This podcast explores the power of atoms and their potential to redefine cancer treatment once and for all. Listen and delve into groundbreaking research with promising perspectives. The second episode is now online! 

    Quickly head to Spotify and listen to the podcast.

  • SCK CEN - Actieplan Nuclear medicine (2024)
    19 June '24

    Belgian action plan aims to give more cancer patients access to innovative cancer treatment

    Today marks the launch of a Belgian action plan aimed at providing more cancer patients with access to innovative treatments. Specifically, this concerns radioligand therapy (RLT), also known as Targeted Radionuclide Therapy. This pioneering therapy could become a major new pillar in the fight against the disease. This action plan aims to perpetuate Belgium's pioneering role in RLT and future-proof our healthcare system.

  • 20240229_SCKCEN-Impact medical discharge on environment-Water treatment plant.jpg
    29 February '24

    SCK CEN sheds light on the long-term effects of radioisotopes in rivers and enhances protection for humans and nature

    New method for assessing the impact of medical radiopharmaceuticals on the environment

    When you receive a diagnosis or treatment involving medical radioisotopes in the hospital, a small amount of radioactivity ends up in the sewer after your restroom visit. But what if we use more of these medical substances in the future? Will the existing protective measures still be effective? Research conducted by SCK CEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Center, provides a way to assess the safety of these discharges. As part of the European SINFONIA project, experts proactively investigated the potential long-term effects of hospital wastewater on the environment and human health. The result is a new methodology for more accurately assessing the possible impact on people, animals, and the environment. “This approach is particularly useful for predicting the impact of future new medications on the ecosystem and proactively adjusting regulations as needed,” emphasizes Jordi Vives i Batlle, an expert in impact studies at SCK CEN.