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Second podcast episode of R.E.A.C.T. is now online!

10 July '24

SCK CEN launches a podcast about Radioligand Therapy

Discover a new dimension of cancer treatment with the SCK CEN podcast: 'R.E.A.C.T. - Radionuclide Enables Alternative Cancer Treatment'. This podcast explores the power of atoms and their potential to redefine cancer treatment once and for all. Listen and delve into groundbreaking research with promising perspectives. The second episode is now online! 

Quickly head to Spotify and listen to the podcast.


Radioligand Therapy - also known as Targeted Radionuclide Therapy - uses therapeutic radioisotopes to target cancer cells very locally in the body. Healthy tissue remains largely spared. The result? Fewer side effects. In 'R.E.A.C.T.', two experts sit at the table and, from their job position, they take a look at this innovative cancer treatment.

Podcast R.E.A.C.T.

Episode 1 – From biological mechanisms to production

We start with Irina Primac and Johan Vereecken. Irina is a cancer researcher at SCK CEN, and Johan is responsible for the production and transport planning of radioisotopes for our BR2 research reactor. Together with them, we delve into human biology and nuclear physics. What are medical radioisotopes? Why can we not stockpile them? How do these tiny particles track down tumors and detect metastases at the same time? Which two types of cancer are currently being treated with radioisotopes? And what can we expect from this treatment in the future? Many questions and just as many answers await in this podcast.

Episode 2 – Better quality of life

In this second episode of R.E.A.C.T., Dr. Carlos Artigas and Erik Briers join the table. Dr. Artigas is Director of Clinic at the Jules Bordet Institute, a European reference center for nuclear medicine. Erik Briers is Vice-Chair of Europa Uomo, an umbrella organization representing 27 European patient organizations focused on prostate cancer. They maintain close contact with patients and share their perspective on radioligand therapy. Who qualifies for this treatment and why do patients experience fewer side effects? What does this mean for their quality of life? How did scientists conceive this innovative therapy and what is the difference compared to external radiotherapy? How many patients has the Jules Bordet Institute treated? Tune in to this second episode to discover the answers.

Quickly head to Spotify and listen to the podcast.

Click here
SCK CEN - Podcast nuclear medicine (2024)

European Cancer Week 

The 'European Week Against Cancer’ takes place every year, from 25 to 31 May. The whole week draws attention to all aspects of cancer: from prevention and diagnosis to new treatments and medicines. This week aims to increase awareness by increasing communication across Europe. And that is why SCK CEN is launching this podcast in that week. 

⬅️ The podcast has been produced in collaboration with students from KU Leuven. 

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