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Plan your visit to SCK CEN


Route description SCK CEN Mol

Are you planning a visit to our technical site in Mol? Then use your GPS to navigate to "Gravenstraat, Dessel" to avoid the barriers.

Download the route plan.

Visitors and suppliers to the external perimeter

In the interests of your and our security, strict access procedures are in place for visitors and suppliers. If you have to attend a meeting or presentation at SCK CEN in Mol within the external perimeter, or you have to deliver supplies to the warehouse or a site, you must observe the following procedure. 

  1. Report to the main entrance between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. State your name, the reason for your visit, and the name of your contact. Your identity is then checked on the basis of your identity card or international passport. After the reason for your visit has been checked, you will receive a visitor's badge. If you need to visit a controlled or guarded zone, you will also be given a dosimeter.
  2. The SCK CEN member of staff with whom you have an appointment will come to meet you and will accompany you onto the site for the period of the delivery or the scheduled meeting.
  3. You must wear this visitor’s badge clearly visible on top of your clothing at all times. The SCK CEN member of staff accompanying you during your visit will sign a document upon your departure from the site.
  4. When you leave the premises, you hand in the signed document, visitor's badge, and, if applicable, the dosimeter at the main entrance. Your identification documents will be returned to you.

Visitors to internal perimeters

The internal perimeters on the premises are subject to additional controls and stricter access rules. In order to gain access to these areas as part of a specific mission, you must comply with the following requirements: 

  1. Let us know at least one month before your arrival that a visit is requested. Agree with your contact person at SCK CEN whether he/she will follow up on your request and what you can do to help.  If you are based abroad, this must be done three months before your visit. Fill in this form completely. Don’t forget to sign the form.

  2. SCK CEN will submit a request form for your visit to the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (AFCN/FANC). This agency will check whether you are permitted to enter the nuclear area.

  3. If your visit is approved, you report to the main entrance between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on the agreed date. State your name, the reason for your visit, and the name of your contact. Your identity is then checked on the basis of your identity card or international passport. After the reason for your visit has been checked, you will receive a visitor's badge. If you need to visit a controlled or guarded zone, you will also be given a dosimeter.

  4. The SCK CEN member of staff with whom you have an appointment will come to meet you and will accompany you onto the site for the period of you mission.

  5. You must wear this visitor’s badge clearly visible on top of your clothing at all times. The SCK CEN member of staff accompanying you during your visit will sign a document upon your departure from the site.

  6. When you leave the premises, you hand in the signed document, visitor's badge, and, if applicable, the dosimeter at the main entrance. Your identification documents will be returned to you.

External contractors at SCK CEN

In order to be authorised to perform works on the SCK CEN site, we require external contractors to be appropriately informed of the legal safety regulations and the site rules and regulations and to complete Document E - Declaration site regulation.

You and your occupational health physician must fill in a number of forms in due time. When you are not submitted to a periodical occupational health surveillance, you can contact our health surveillance.

Safety test

Depending on the work you have to perform, we will organise an information session which will consist of various modules. All modules can be found in our safety animations.

In order to verify whether you and your staff have understood the information correctly, you will be required to sit a test at the main entrance. We expect a minimum mark of 70%. You have to take this test once a year.

If you have successfully completed the test and all access stipulations are fulfilled, a badge is made and issued. You must always wear this badge visibly on top of your clothing whenever you are on the premises. When you leave the premises, you hand in this badge again at the main entrance.

Universities and graduate schools

Regarding educational visits by students at universities and graduate schools, we organize a visit tailored depending on the training and knowledge base.

A visit request must always be filed in advance and obviously, a number of rules for a nuclear site must be respected.

If you wish to arrange a visit, please contact SCK CEN Academy.

For general visits you are welcome at Tabloo from March 2022, the visitor and meeting centre about radioactivity and radioactive waste, including an interactive science exhibition on nuclear research.

Lakehouse (2013)

Access to the Lakehouse 

Visitors are allowed free access to the Lakehouse. The conference centre is located outside of the secure site. Use the access road to the right of the main entrance.

Bank holidays & collective leave days

  • January 1 New Year’s Day
  • April 1  - Easter Monday
  • May 1 - Labour Day
  • May 9 until 10 - Ascension Day + collective leave day
  • May 20  - Pentecost
  • July 15 until August 2 - Collective leave days
  • August 15  - Assumption Day
  • November 1 - All Saints Day
  • November 11 - Armistice Day
  • December 25 until December 31 - Collective leave days

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