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A survey to understand the variance reduction techniques using the experimental data

Variance reduction techniques are essential in Monte Carlo simulations to improve the precision of a simulations within practical computation times, especially in scenarios with deep penetration and rare occurring events. SERPENT and MCNP Monte Carlo transport codes are commonly used for radiation transport calculations by stochastically sampling individual particle events. They have implemented variance reduction techniques that incorporate sophisticated variance reduction methods to enhance the efficiency of neutron transport calculations. The other option is to use ADVANTG code (automated variance reduction generator), which is recently developed to generate the variance reduction parameters for the fixed source MCNP calculations.

This study focuses on the validation of variance reduction techniques of SERPENT and ADVANTG codes using the Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment from the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Handbook. The Baikal-1 experiment provides a comprehensive set of benchmark data that can be used to assess the accuracy and efficiency of neutron transport codes, specifically in the context of skyshine radiation.


  • Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing variance reduction techniques, with a focus on their implementation in Serpent and ADVANTG codes.
  • Simulation Input: Review the available input files developed for SERPENT and MCNP codes to simulate the Baikal-1 Skyshine experiment.
  • Validation and Comparison: Compare the simulation results against the benchmark data to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of each variance reduction technique.
  • Analysis of Results: Analyze the differences in the implementation and performance of variance reduction methods between Serpent and ADVANTG, identifying strengths and limitations.
  • Writing a master thesis.

Het vereiste minimumdiploma van de kandidaat

  • Academic bachelor

De vereiste achtergrondkennis van de kandidaat

  • Physics

Geschatte looptijd

1 academic year: October-June


Fysica Nucleaire Systemen

SCK CEN Mentor

Çelik Yurdunaz
yurdunaz.celik [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 21 96

SCK CEN Co-mentor

Romojaro Pablo
pablo.romojaro [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 22 83