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Impact of humidity and temperature on OSL signal

Within the QUARTEL project we collaborated closely with UZ Leuven on a 2D dosimetry system to execute patient-specific Quality Assurance of radiotherapy treatments. This work continues and the main focus of the research is to test the impact of humitidy as well as temperature on the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal.

The irradiations are performed in the Calibration laboratory (SCK CE) and use of climate chamber (BIS) as well as GKD OSL reader are required.


- Conditioning of films in Climate chamber (BIS)

- Perform measurements in KAL (calibration laborytory) in Co-60 sources.

- Perform read-out of OSL signal in the OSL dosimetry system provided by GFA (RDA dosimetry group).

Het vereiste minimumdiploma van de kandidaat

  • Master of sciences

De vereiste achtergrondkennis van de kandidaat

  • Physics

Geschatte looptijd

6 months


SB Dosimetrie en Kalibratie

SCK CEN Mentor

De Saint-Hubert Marijke
marijke.de.saint-hubert [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 21 40

SCK CEN Co-mentor

de Freitas Nascimento Luana
luana.de.freitas.nascimento [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 28 11