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CHRONIC scientific volunteer

Within the framework of a Marie Curie international trainingnetwork, CHRONIC, we had a PhD topic running on the long term consequences of exposure of nuclear accident relevant radionuclides (Sr-90 and Cs-137) on the floating waterplant Lemna minor . Within this framework 6-week experiments have been set up with this fast growing plant exposing it to Sr-90, Cs-137 or their combination. Over the course of 6-weeks Lemna has on average 18 generations which allows to study the radiation induced effects in a multigenerational set-up at different levels of biological complexity (from the molcular (epigenetic) level upto the population). Hence the data of this PhD contribute to the formation of a new Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) to allow to estimate the risk of chronic exposure to radiation on plants.  Luca Boldrini was recruited for this PhD topic. Although, we tried to fit all the experimental and writing work within limited 3 years, due to different reasons the work got delayed. We therefore want to have Luca attached to our unit as a scienitific volunteer in the period that CHRONIC project is still running to enable him to finish the needed analyses, complete the writing of the PhD and to allow him to present at the final CHRONIC event.

The aims are

(1) submit results of Sr-90 results as a scienitific paper to Plant Physiology and Biochemstry

(2) analyses the whole genome bisulphite sequencing (WGBS) data using the pipelines and servers of SCK CEN

(3) discuss with the mentor and co-mentor the results of the different chapters of the PhD that are still to be written

(4) contribute to the building of the new AOP in close collaboration with K-E Tolfsen (NIVA, Norway)

(4) participate in the CHRONIC final event

(5) submit and defend PhD thesis

Het vereiste minimumdiploma van de kandidaat

  • Master of sciences

De vereiste achtergrondkennis van de kandidaat

  • Biology

Geschatte looptijd

Until end of CHRONIC project (31/08/25)


Impact & Site Remediation

SCK CEN Mentor

Horemans Nele
nele.horemans [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 21 15

SCK CEN Co-mentor

Turqueto Duarte Gustavo
gustavo.duarte [at] sckcen.be
+32 (0)14 33 88 11