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Training course on radioactive waste management

19/02/2024 - 27/02/2024
Boeretang 200


This intensive unique seven day course will give a comprehensive overview of different aspects involved in the management of radioactive waste. The course modules will handle operational radioactive waste management during collection, characterization, conditioning, transport and (interim) storage.

Course topics will focus on international best practices and regulations, national and international state-of-the-art. The course benefits from expertise from the point of view of waste producers, waste management organisations and nuclear regulators.

In each aspect of the course, theory is combined with technical visits to allow participants to experience how guidelines and best practices are translated to the field.


The following topics will be treated:

First week:

  • Origin, types of radioactive waste
  • National and international regulations
  • Safety principles and strategies
  • Collection and handling of unconditioned waste
  • Waste conditioning techniques
  • Waste classification and characterisation
  • Interim storage of waste
  • Visits are foreseen to different facilities at:

     - SCK CEN: dealing with collection, characterisation and storage of unconditioned waste;

     - Belgoprocess: dealing with waste conditioning, characterisation and long-term/ interim storage.

Second week (Monday-Tuesday):

  • Waste transport
  • Management of used sources
  • Waste acceptance criteria and accreditation process in Belgium
  • Interfaces between the Belgian nuclear operator and the waste management organisation
  • Case studies: waste management during decommissioning
  • Case studies: management of problematic waste forms


Students and professionals in radioactive waste management.


Het volledige programma kan hier worden gedownload:



A scientific-technical background is required (master in science or engineering).


There is no preparation needed for this training course.


Upon completion of this training course, the participant will be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge on the general classification of nuclear waste and the basic principles of radioactive waste management;
  • translate these basic principles of radioactive waste management into good practices;
  • demonstrate knowledge on the interrelations of the different actors in the nuclear field related to this waste management (nuclear regulator, waste management organization);
  • demonstrate knowledge on radioactive waste characterization and conditioning techniques;
  • demonstrate the understanding of the Belgian case: the acceptation and accreditation system of NIRAS/ONDRAF.


The registration fee amounts to 4.250 EUR (VAT excluded).


Due to the safety regulations and access modalities of the different installations, you can register until January 8, 2024.

The registration fee for the course includes:

  • Participation to the course, practical exercises and technical visits;
  • Coffee breaks and lunches during the course;
  • Digital training material;
  • Certificate of attendance.

Dinner is not foreseen during this course week. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until January 8, 2024. No-shows and cancellations after the deadline will incur the full cost of the registration fee (for course and hotel).

Price for this training course will be announced soon.


Accommodation is pre-booked at the Corbie hotel in Mol. Your hotel booking must be confirmed before January 8, 2024 by email to mol [at] corbiehotel [dot] com and academy [at] sckcen [dot] be.

Please mention your contact data, the check-in and check-out date and the name of the course 'Training course on radioactive waste management'. Indicate whether you wish to stay in a double (120 EUR/night for 2 persons) or single (90 EUR/night) room. In a double room you will share the room with a person of the same gender.

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