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Topical Day | Bridging experiments and continuum scale modelling of physical-chemical processes at the pore scale

Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


The long-term behaviour of large-scale systems are often driven by processes acting at the pore-scale. The durability of constructions made with cement-based materials, e.g. engineered barriers in a radioactive waste disposal facility, depends among others on precipitation and dissolution reactions altering microstructural, transport and mechanical properties. Geochemical reactions such as sorption, complexation and solubility together with accessibility of pores determines the fate of contaminants and radionuclides in natural and engineered systems. The combination of developments in numerical algorithms, increased mechanistic understanding and increased computational power stimulates the development and application of numerical tools for coupled reactive transport processes at the pore-scale. These tools explicitly take into account the structure and heterogeneity of the pores and solid phases in a porous media.

On November 14-15, 2017, a two-day training course is organised, in collaboration with the university of Ghent, on “Yantra – a lattice Boltzmann based tool for pore-scale modelling" developed at SCK•CEN. Participants to the course will be granted free access to the Topical Day.


The Topical Day focuses on coupled physical (flow of water, multiphase flow, transport of solutes) – chemical (aqueous speciation – heterogeneous chemical reactions such as sorption and precipitation/dissolution – kinetics) processes with the aim to address the following three aspects:

  • What is the role of pore-scale models in interpretation of experiments? As experiments are designed more and more towards processes at small scale, it is challenging to validate a pore-scale model and to underpin our understanding and interpretation of processes by a pore-scale model.
  • What are the efficient numerical approaches to simulate reactive transport processes at the pore-scale?
  • How to extract and use information of pore-scale models into continuum-scale models? An important aspect in the application of pore-scale models is the upscaling strategy in order to use pore-scale model results into continuum scale models, which are typically used to simulate long-time and/or large scale system behaviour.


This Topical Day aims at bringing together senior and junior researchers from research institutes and universities, as well as PhD and master students interested in development and applications of pore-scale models for coupled physical-chemical processes. We welcome also other professionals from industry and governmental institutions with interest in application of pore-scale models.


Het volledige programma kan hier worden gedownload:

Programme - Topical Day - November 16, 2017.pdf


Early-bird registration fee: € 80 (VAT incl, until October 9, 2017)

Late registration fee: € 100 (VAT incl. as from October 10, 2017)

Registration is free for:

  • invited speakers
  • SCK•CEN Alumni members
  • participants to the 2-day Yantra course on November 14-15, 2017
  • SCK•CEN collaborators


You can register by clicking on the registration button above until October 30, 2017, taking into account the availability of 100 places. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until November 1st, 2017. 

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application (https://go.app.sckcen.be/eterminal) for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The address of the bank is Belfius, Koning Albert II laan 30 b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Topical Day - Bridging experiments" and your name on the bank transfer. (*) On-site registration is only possible with proof of payment.


The Topical Day is held at the Lakehouse of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium. 

Rooms can be booked directly with the Lakehouse website or via info [at] lakehouse [dot] be.

Other hotels in the vicinity of the Lakehouse:

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