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Stakeholders event and Topical Day | Partitioning meets transmutation

24/10/2018 - 25/10/2018
Lindner hotel - Antwerp
Lindner hotel Antwerp
Lange Kievitstraat 125


This stakeholders event and Topical Day will provide insight on the current state of the art of partitioning and transmutation and present and future (inter-)national scenarios. The aim is to create an interface between the involved communities and stakeholders to discuss and interact on technical-scientific, economic and political levels.


Programme stakeholders event - October 24 (afternoon) - Responsible organizer CEA

14:00 – Welcome and presentation of GENIORS, objectives, challenges, first results (Stéphane Bourg, CEA, France)

14:30 - OECD/NEA Perspective (Stéphanie Cornet, OECD/NEA, France)

15:00 - Gen IV strategies in the US (Monica Regalbuto, INL, USA)

15:30 - Gen IV strategies in the UK (Fiona Rayment, NIRO, UK - TBC)

16:00 – Coffee Break

16:30 - GEN IV strategies in France (Andrea Salvatores, CEA, France)

17:00 - Industrial vision, ORANO (Gérald Senentz, ORANO, France)

17:30 - Industrial vision, EDF (Benjamin Fleury, EDF, France)

Topical Day - October 25

During the Topical Day on October 25, the following topics will be treated:

  • Scenarios;
  • Partitioning;
  • Conversion;
  • GEN IV fuel;
  • Transmutation.


This event aims at gathering all communities with an interest in current recycling of spent nuclear fuel and future recycling strategies to be implemented in the 4th generation of reactors.


Het volledige programma kan hier worden gedownload:

Programme_Topical Day_October 25.pdf


General awareness of nuclear partitioning and transmutation principles is sufficient.


No specific preparation is required prior to attendance to this stakeholders event and Topical Day.


Registration fee Topical Day - October 25, 2018: 100,00 EUR (21% VAT incl, until October 1st, 2018)

Registration fee includes:

  • Coffee breaks;
  • Lunch;
  • Reception.

Registration fee stakeholders event and Topical Day - October 24 afternoon and October 25 : 200,00 EUR (21% VAT incl, until October 1st, 2018)

Registration fee includes

  • Coffee breaks;
  • Dinner on October 24;
  • Lunch on October 25;
  • Reception on October 25.

Registration is free for:

  • Invited speakers;
  • SCK•CEN Alumni members;
  • Students upon evidence of university enrollment.


You can register by clicking on the orange registration button above until October 1st, 2018, taking into account the availability of 100 places. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until October 8th, 2018.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application (https://go.app.sckcen.be/eterminal) for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE37 6790 0619 1428 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. Name and address of the bank is BPOST, Centre Monnaie, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code PCHQBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "TD Partitioning" and your name on the bank transfer.

SCK•CEN reserves the right to cancel a training course or event (e.g. in case of low number of registrations).



The Topical Day is held at the Lindner hotel in Antwerp, Belgium. Rooms are pre-booked at the below-mentioned hotels.

  • Linder hotel: to book a room at the special rate of 173,39 EUR per night , please fill out this document and send it to meetings [dot] antwerpen [at] lindnerhotels [dot] be (meetings[dot]antwerpen[at]lindnerhotels[dot]be).
  • Hotel IBIS centraal station: to book a room at the special rate of 63,00 EUR per night for a single room or 73,00 EUR per night for a double room, please mention the following code "644355" when booking via H6192 [at] accor [dot] com (H6192[at]accor[dot]com) . This special rate is available until September 10, 2018.


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