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Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies

16/03/2015 - 20/03/2015
Boeretang 200


In the context of the FP7 project PREPARE ("Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe") two basic courses are organized addressing the training needs of key players along the entire cycle of nuclear/radiological emergency management.

The course on "Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies" focuses on the early to intermediate phases after a nuclear/radiological accident.

This course addresses the state of the art in nuclear and radiological emergency management including the international recommendations, the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident and the latest results from the PREPARE project. This includes, but is not limited to, principles of intervention; radiological evaluations; decision-support tools; different aspects of planning and organization in off-site emergency response; economic, social and psychological impact. The European and international dimension is addressed through lectures on Community legislation and international data and information exchange.

The course is organized by the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN in the framework of the FP7 project PREPARE, in collaboration with the main European emergency management actors, the European platform NERIS (Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery, www.eu-neris.net) and with support from the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology.



  • Radiological emergencies
  • Transfer pathways to the environment and exposure pathways
  • Monitoring and data management strategies
  • Principles of intervention
  • Implementation of early countermeasures – Practical aspects
  • Countermeasures for contaminated food production systems
  • Countermeasures for inhabited areas
  • Decision support systems: RODOS
  • International data and information exchange
  • Economic, psychological, social and ethical aspects of intervention
  • Emergency plans: organisation & requirements
  • Communication
  • Community legislation
  • Stakeholder involvement in preparedness activities
  • The Fukushima accident
  • Specific issues related to radiological emergencies of other origin than nuclear accidents
  • Triage, monitoring and treatment of people exposed to malevolent use of radiation
  • Organisation of exercises and lessons learned

Group activities will be organised to explore in depth several aspects presented during the course lectures. A comprehensive table-top exercise simulating a nuclear accident will be organised, plunging participants in the decision-making process and confronting them with the real difficulties.

A technical visit of several points of interest in SCK•CEN may be also foreseen for the interested participants.


The course is mainly targeted towards technical and radiological advisors, staff responsible for the overall emergency organisation and policy, such as civil protection officers and environmental protection officers, either entering the domain or being interested in refreshing the basics and getting acquainted with latest developments in the field. A basic knowledge of radiation protection is recommended.


Het volledige programma kan hier worden gedownload:

Programme Preparedness and Response.pdf


A basic knowledge of radiation protection is recommended.

A refresher course on basic notions in radiation protection will be given in the first course day for the interested participants.


Upon completion of this training course, you will gain:

  • fundamental knowledge and practical advice;
  • a comprehensive overview of nuclear and radiological emergency management in Europe;
  • the ability to participate in decision-making processes related to nuclear and radiological emergencies.


The course is funded through the European Commission FP7 project PREPARE and thus it is free for all participants. Priority will be given to participants from E.U. countries working in the domain of nuclear or radiological emergency management. A limited number of places (maximum 5) will be available for participants from non-European countries.

The course is limited to 25 participants.


The course is funded through the European Commission FP7 project PREPARE and thus it is free for all participants. Priority will be given to participants from E.U. countries working in the domain of nuclear or radiological emergency management. A limited number of places (maximum 5) will be available for participants from non-European countries.

The course is limited to 25 participants.

You can register by clicking on the registration button above until February 23, 2015.

All participants will be provided with:

  • Course material in printed and electronic format;
  • Welcome reception at the Club-House;
  • Lunches and refreshment breaks;
  • Course dinner;
  • Certificate of attendance.

The course ends on Friday March 20, 2015 after lunch.


The course is held at the Lakehouse (former Club-House) of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium.

Rooms can be booked at the Lakehouse hotel  (73€-83€ per night, breakfast included) or at the the Alauda Hotel in Dessel (67.50 € per night, breakfast included). Please contact with Mrs. Viviane Vanspringel (viviane [dot] vanspringel [at] sckcen [dot] be (viviane[dot]vanspringel[at]sckcen[dot]be)) for the booking.

Please note that the Lakehouse restaurant and bar doesn't serve any meals in the evening. Nevertheless you can order a sandwich at the reception desk of the Lakehouse during lunch break.

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