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Online lectures by laureate Dr. Eric Salmon in the frame of the Chair Roger Van Geen

03/02/2021 - 24/02/2021
Online training


Promoting scientific research in the field of nuclear sciences and applications is one of the priorities of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN). SCK CEN’s patronage makes it possible for the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), in cooperation with the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS), to grant this scientific Chair “Roger Van Geen”, which is awarded every two years to an eminent researcher for outstanding academic research in the field of nuclear energy or radiation. This award should also stimulate collaboration between the Belgian universities, research institutes and SCK CEN.

Prof. Dr. Roger Van Geen (1935-1995) was professor and dean at the Sciences and Applied faculty of VUB, where he was appointed rector in 1974. During his rectorate, the VUB University Hospital was opened and the construction of an oncological center and a children’s hospital was started. In 1975, Roger Van Geen joined the Board of Directors of SCK CEN. In 1989, he was appointed managing director, and as of 1991 he was chairman. He left a decisive mark on SCK CEN’s scientific ambitions and made a major contribution to the development of a big network of international relations. He also built bridges to politics and human sciences.

Prof. Dr. Eric Salmon obtained the degree of Medical Doctor in 1983 at the University of Liège. He specialized in Neurology and obtained a PhD in Experimental Biomedical Sciences at the University of Liège in 1991. Three years later he also obtained the degree of Specialist in Nuclear Medicine and in 2000 he received a certificate as lecturer. He is currently acting as Professor Neuroimaging of Memory and Cognitive Readaptation at the University of Liège, Medical Director of the Cyclotron Research Centre / GIGA – CRC and Medical Responsible of the Memory Clinic and Memory Centre in Liège. His research domain covers behavioral neurology, dementia, Alzheimer, neuroimaging, and cognitive rehabilitation.


Participation to this series of lectures is free of charge. However, registration to the different lectures is mandatory.


You can register for this lecture series via https://www.bigmarker.com/series/RVG/series_summit.

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