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BNEN Yes-I-Do Event | 2013

Boeretang 200


With the third edition of the 'Yes-I-Do event' the Belgian Nuclear higher Education Network (BNEN) wants to promote its master programme in nuclear engineering. The event combines an introduction to the BNEN programme with presentations by young nuclear experts and technical visits to the innovative SCK•CEN research infrastructure.

The morning programme is dedicated to discovering the BNEN programme, highlighting as well that the development of high-level nuclear competences is essential to ensure the safe and reliable operation of nuclear installations. Only recently, the power plants of Doel 3 and Tihange 2 had to shut down temporarily due to the discovery of unexpected indications in the base metal of the reactor pressure vessels. Two young nuclear experts that have been involved in building the safety case for the restart justification will present their involvement in the project.

In the afternoon programme, technical tours to the SCK•CEN research infrastructure will be organised. Participants can choose between two parallel tracks:

Track 1: Disposal of radioactive waste and decommissioning with visits to

HADES - the underground laboratory

BR3 -  Belgian Reactor 3

Track 2: Reactor technology with visits to

LHMA - Laboratory for High and Medium level Activity

Technology building - where new and innovative reactor concepts are first tested and build at semi-industrial scale

More information on: http://www.sckcen.be/en/Research/Infrastructure


10:15      Registration and welcome with coffee and croissants

10:45      Yes-I Did!

                 Prof. Eric van Walle - Director General - SCK•CEN

11:00      BNEN: The Belgian Nuclear higher Education Network

                 Thomas Berkvens - BNEN Administration Manager - SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology

11:15      The Doel3/Tihange2 Reactor Pressure Vessel issues - Contributions of young nuclear experts

                 Anne-Sophie Bogaert - Tractebel Engineering

                 Marlies Lambrecht - SCK•CEN

12:30      Sandwich lunch

13:30      Technical visits to SCK•CEN installations

17:30      Reception @ SCK•CEN Club-House


This event is targeted at anyone with an interest in joining the BNEN master, specifically (final year) master students in engineering and sciences.


For the technical visits you need to bring your identity card or passport with you.

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