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Open course: Radioactive waste disposal

SCK CEN - Opleiding bij Academy (2019)


This training course will give a comprehensive overview of different aspects involved in the stepwise implementation of a radioactive waste disposal facility. The course will focus on international best practices and regulations, national and international state-of-the-art, different R&D activities related to radioactive waste disposal, and hands-on practical exercises related to safety and performance assessments of disposal facilities.

Target audience

This training course is intended to attract scholars and professionals in radioactive waste disposal. The participant has to have a scientific-technical background (master in science or engineering).

SCK CEN - Onze verantwoordelijkheid (2019)


This training course could contain the following modules:

  • National and international regulations
  • Safety principles and strategies
  • Disposal concepts and disposal projects, state-of-the-art
  • RD&D related to radioactive waste disposal, within the framework of the multi-barrier concept
  • Elements in a safety assessment + exercise on phenomenological evolution
  • Performance, scoping and screening calculations + exercise on scenario development
  • Safeguards aspects and monitoring of a repository
  • Public participation approaches
  • Review of the safety evaluation by the safety authority

A technical visit to to Underground Research Facility HADES (Mol) and surface disposal facility site cAt (Dessel) can be included in the training course.

Language and duration

This course is given in English.

This intensive one and a half week training course is provided from 09h00 to 17h00, including two coffee breaks and lunch.

View the calendar of customised training courses for

the next training course on radioactive waste disposal.

To the calendar

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