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Open course: Basic training course for radiation protection officers (RPO) class II & III

With the transposition of the 2013/59/EURATOM Directive into national legislation, professional profiles in radiation protection are defined to advise on, and implement the measures necessary to protect workers, the public and the environment against the detrimental effects of an exposure to ionising radiation. One of these professional profiles is the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO), defined to be an individual who is technically competent in radiation protection matters relevant for a given type of practice to supervise or perform the implementation of the radiation protection arrangements. This will be a designated in-house employee within the licensed undertaking.

The Federal Agency for Nuclear Contol (FANC) has designed a Technical Decree regarding the educational requirements of the RPOs, where a distinguishment is made between different classes of installations and the use of devices emitting ionising radiation vs the use of open radioactive sources. These educational requirements include a basic training course, an additional training course and a practical training course. The complete educational programme has to be approved by the radiation protection expert associated with the undertaking.


This training course focuses on the theoretical basic training course, and consists of 2 modules:

  • Basic principles of ionising radiation and radiation protection (1 day)
  • Specific topics related to devices emitting ionising radiation, or the use of radioactive sources (half day per domain)

During this training course, a general approach is used which is applicable in various sectors. Depending on the training session, the focus will be put on industrial applications or medical applications.

This theoretical training course needs to be completed by an additional training course and a practical training course, under the responsibility of the license holder of the undertaking and approved by the radiation protection expert associated with the undertaking.

SCK CEN - Kankerbestrijding (2019)

Target audience

Professionals who work with devices emitting ionising radiation and/or radioactive sources and who will be likely be appointed as radiation protection officers (RPO) within a licensed undertaking of class II or III.

During this training course, the focus lies on the practical implementation of radiation protection on the workfloor, and approaches are provided which apply in various domains. Depending on the training session, the focus will be put on industrial applications or medical applications.

A training course for radiation professional officers of type T1 and T2 (transport) is available on demand.


This training course contains the following topics:

  • Introduction to ionizing radiation and interaction with matter
  • Health risks caused by exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Introduction to detection and dosimetry
  • Individual and collective means of protection
  • Radiological risk analysis
  • Legal obligations in radiation protection

The following topics are treated in the specific training module for the use of devices emitting ionising radiation

  • X-ray technology: function and good practice
  • Organisation of the tasks of the radiation protection officer

The following topics are treated in the specific training module for the use of radioactive sources

  • Introduction to radioactivity
  • Good practice when working with radioactive sources
  • Transport of radioactive materials
  • Organisation of the tasks of the radiation protection officer

An assessment is programmed at the end of each module.

  • SCK CEN - Loodschortdosimeter (2019)

    Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge

    • Knowledge and understanding of the origin, features and applications of ionising radiation
    • Being able to define the major health risks related to exposure to ionising radiation
    • Being able to make the distinction between the risks of radiation and contamination
    • Understanding the meaning of the various dosimetry units
    • Knowing the different measuring methods and corresponding equipment for different types of measurements (ambient dosimetry, internal and external personal dosimetry) for different types of radiation
    • Listing the individual and collective protective equipment against external irradiation and against internal and external contamination
    • Explaining the operation and good practices regarding the use of X-ray equipment
    • Being able to give examples of good practices when working with radioactive sources, such as management of contaminations, use of PPE, stock-taking, operational procedures and management of radioactive waste
    • Explaining the general radiation protection principles
    • Describing the different risk analysis methods
    • Giving examples of risk analyses and radiation protection
    • Describing the permit system
    • Describing the legislation on transportation of radioactive materials, including the related operational procedures
    • Explaining the organisation of physical examinations, including the protection of employees and external workers
    • Describing the regulatory tasks of a radiation protection officer
    • Explaining the basic laws and operational procedures regarding the use of radioactive materials
  • SCK CEN - Opleiding bij Academy (2019)

    Learning outcomes in terms of skills

    • Being able to apply dose-limiting measures such as reduction of exposure time, increasing of distance and selecting the appropriate screening
  • SCK CEN - Opleiding bij Academy (2019)

    In terms of competences

    In terms of autonomy and responsibility:

    • Being able to apply the main principles in terms of operational radiation protection in a daily working environment.
    • Being aware of the complexity of nuclear and radiological applications.

Language & duration

This course is organised in Dutch, and can be organised in French or English on demand. This 2-day training course is provided from 09h00 to 17h00, including a short coffee break per half day, as well as lunch.

Separate training tracks are possible for when working with radioactive sources (1.5 day) or devices emitting ionising radiation (1.5 day). A combination of both tracks is possible by following the whole 2-day training course.

View the calendar of customised training courses for the next basic training course for radiation protection officers.

View the calendar

Other training courses

For other training courses in radiation protection, visit the webpage of the radiation protection expert training course, the 5-day training course in radiation protection or the information and training in radiation protection for radiation workers.

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