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Stagiair verpleegkundige

Stagiair verpleegkundige : administratieve werkzaamheden medische dienst, technische onderzoeken (visiotest, audiotest, cardiogram, spirometrie, bloedafname) en EHBO- verzorgingen.

The minimum diploma level of the candidate needs to be

  • Secondary education

The candidate needs to have a background in

  • Medical

Estimated duration

van 7/10/2024 tem 17/11/2024

Expert group

External Medical Surveillance

SCK CEN Mentor

Mertens Thomas
thomas.mertens [at]
+32 (0)14 33 28 09

SCK CEN Co-mentor

Verherstraeten Griet
griet.verherstraeten [at]
+32 (0)14 33 28 09