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Robust quantification of radiological data aqcuired with UAVs

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The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones for performing radiological measurements in all phases of nuclear emergencies and characterization efforts in the remediation of historically contaminated sites can have important benefits but also poses scientific challenges. The flexible deployment of drones allows timely and representative measurements, however the accurate interpretation of a drone measurement performed in flight is often not straightforward. In addition, radiological measurements with UAVs span a wide-range of potential scenario’s, from a lost radioactive source, a surface or in-depth soil contamination up to a large scale accident with atmospheric releases. For decision making and the protection of first responders, the public and the environment, insight in the exposure situation and having quantitative information on levels of radiation, airborne concentrations and ground contaminations is extremely important.

The final objective of this PhD project is to develop an innovative direct detection system, using different detection techniques and combining this with the flexible use of an UAV to perform measurements under optimized flight patterns. This methodology should allow for the discrimination on the origin of the radiation (airborne, ground or a combination) and robustly quantify the radiological data acquired in-flight to a level fit-for-purpose for good characterization and decision making in a wide-range of scenario's.

The research will include the in-depth analyses of radiological datasets from UAV flights performed by SCK CEN in the past years in many different environments, new dedicated experiments and radiation transport calculations. Based on the experience from these studies a payload, consisting of an  optimized multiple detector system will be designed, developed and tested using an SCK CEN UAV (e.g.; DJI M600).

The minimum diploma level of the candidate needs to be

  • Master of sciences

The candidate needs to have a background in

  • Electronics
  • Informatics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Estimated duration

4 years

Expert group

Impact & Site Remediation

SCK CEN Mentor

Camps Johan
johan.camps [at]
+32 (0)14 33 27 61

SCK CEN Co-mentor

Olyslaegers Geert
geert.olyslaegers [at]
+32 (0)14 33 27 12


Schroeyers Wouter
wouter.schroeyers [at]


Demeester Eric
eric.demeester [at]