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Analyses & testing

  • 2019_SCK CEN - Lageradioactiviteitsmetingen - voedsel

    Low-level radioactivity measurements

    SCK CEN specialises in measuring radioactivity and low-level radioactivity in particular. By measuring low levels of radioactivity, we are checking whether the legal limits are observed (e.g. in the food production).

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  • Several dosemeters with SCK CEN branding

    Dosimetry (personal & environment)

    Precisely measure radiation doses with our authorised dosimeters and follow the results up together with us.

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  • 2019_SCK CEN - Lageradioactiviteitsmetingen-banner

    Whole-body counting

    Detect internal radioactive contamination in people with a little help from our experts and our infrastructure at SCK CEN.

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  • SCK CEN - Radiochemische analyses (2019)

    Radiochemical analyses

    The long-standing experience of SCK CEN enables us to determine the chemical and radiochemical composition of even the most complex materials and samples.

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  • SCK CEN - Infrastructuur BR1 (2019)


    SCK CEN is the Belgian designated metrology laboratory for ionising radiation and dosimetry and carries out secondary standard calibrations and irradiations using ionising radiation in accordance with the directives from the ISO 17025 quality assurance standard.

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  • SCK CEN services - reactor dosimetry (2014)

    Reactor dosimetry

    For more than 50 years already, SCK CEN is a reliable, high-quality dosimetry partner.

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  • SCK CEN - Infrastructuur HADES (2019)

    Hydrogeologic services

    SCK CEN has been researching the possible long-term management solutions for nuclear waste for many years. This is also of interest to you, as a non-nuclear professional. With more than 40 years of experience in hydrogeological research, our scientists have amassed a wealth of knowledge, enabling them to solve your problems.

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