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Nuclear game challenge

We challenge you and your team mates for the Nuclear Game Challenge!
The game is on!


With the Nuclear Game Challenge, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC - research centres of the European Commission) would like to provide a broad overview on nuclear science and applications, as well as testing your teamskills, creativity and critical thinking ability. 

Challenge of the contest

Create and develop with your team, after the kick-off event and with support of a SCK CEN or JRC mentor, an educative game on nuclear science and applications which can be further used in or outside the classroom. The educative game will be judged by a jury of scientific experts of JRC and SCK CEN, based upon i.e. creativity and correct science. All criteria which must be fulfilled are listed in the contest rules.

Kick-off event

The kick-off event of the nuclear game challenge took place on November 8, 2017 in the Museum for Natural Sciences in Brussels. View the report or check out the pictures below.

Winners and awards

Nuclairons won a three-day visit to the research centre of EC-JRC in Ispra. The Daltonatheneum (Westerlo) and the Sint-Jozefschool (Mere) ended up in a nice second and third place. Both teams recieved a FNAC-cheque of 1500 and 1000 euro respectively during the Award Ceremony.

The research institute of the European Commission (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, invited the winning team of the Nuclear Game Challenge, ‘Nuclairons’ of the Collège Jean XXIII in Brussels, and their accompanying professor to a three-day, all-inclusive trip. This visit took place from 5 to 7 September 2018.

This unique opportunity brought the team to the visitors’ centre where JRC’s role within the European Union has been explained. The team was then showed around the various laboratories to expand their knowledge into nuclear and non-nuclear research activities. The experimental nuclear reactor ESSOR could be seen and the group also visited the ‘Advanced Safeguards Measurement, Monitoring and Modelling Laboratory’ (AS3ML), the ‘European Laboratory for Structural Assessment’ (ELSA), the ‘Vehicle Emissions Laboratory’ (VELA), the ‘European Microwave Signature Laboratory’ (EMSL), the ‘European Crisis Management Laboratory’ (ECML) and the laboratory for molecular biology, genomics and food safety. (More information on the facilities of JRC).

The team also seized this opportunity to discover Ispra and its vicinity. They visited the Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso as well as Stresa and Varese where they tasted an exquisite ice-cream... Approved by everyone! They also enjoyed the panoramic view of Lake Maggiore, Italy’s second largest lake.  

  • Enrich U.PNG

    Enrich U

    1st prize

    Collège Jean XXIII - Brussel

    Team 'Nucleairons!'

  • Nuclear 4ce.png

    Nuclear 4ce

    2nd prize

    Daltonatheneum Het Leerlabo - Westerlo

    Team '4 is all that matter(s)'

  • 2020_Academy-Europium.png


    3rd prize

    Sint-Jozefschool - Mere

    Team 'U235'

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