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Launch SCK CEN Barometer 2020: what do people think about radiological risks and applications of nuclear technologies?

17 December '20

Since 2002, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) conducts research into people's perception of radiation risks and their attitudes towards nuclear technologies. The main research instrument used for this purpose is the “SCK CEN Barometer", a bi-yearly large-scale (N > 1000) public opinion survey among the Belgian population. The data collection for the 2020 Barometer is currently ongoing.


Collection of data has started

The data collection for the 2020 Barometer is currently ongoing and is carried out by the market research firm Kantar Belgium using a mail-to-web data collection method. The survey studies the attitudes, beliefs and risk perceptions of Belgians concerning the nuclear sphere and contains detailed research sections dedicated to decommissioning of nuclear installations, emergency planning, radioactive waste. Additional boost samples in Wallonia focus on radon risk mitigation.

The sample of people interviewed is representative for the Belgian adult population with respect to province, region, level of urbanisation, gender, age and professionally active status. The field work for data collection is performed by a professional market research company in Dutch or in French language, according to the preference of the interviewee. A quality control of the data is done both during data collection, as well as at the end of the field work. The design of the survey follows strict methodological rules and is steered by an international scientific committee with members of Belgian (e.g. University of Antwerp) and foreign academia.

Respondents will be rewarded for their participation. One can choose between a deposit to charity or € 10 to spend freely. Meanwhile, more than half of all contributors chose to make a donation to charity, being the national food banks.

SCK CEN x University of Antwerp x RADONORM

The Barometer surveys are part of SCK CEN’s Programme for Integration of Social Aspects into nuclear research (PISA). This programme aims at studying the societal, political, cultural and ethical implications arising from the development and use of current and emerging nuclear technologies and the mutual interaction of these technologies with society. The study is being undertaken by social scientists of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) and the University of Antwerp. The 2020 edition is partly funded by the European project RADONORM and a number of other projects.

Results of the previous SCK CEN Barometer 2018 can be found at


For Barometer 2020

Dr. Tanja Perko (SCK CEN)

tanja [dot] perko [at] sckcen [dot] be (tanja[dot]perko[at]sckcen[dot]be)


For PISA research

Dr. Catrinel Turcanu (SCK CEN)

catrinel [dot] turcanu [at] sckcen [dot] be (catrinel[dot]turcanu[at]sckcen[dot]be)

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