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Instadose® body dosimeter

Rapid results without sending off

SCK CEN - Dosimetrie (2019)

Instadose, the digital dosimeter badge

The new approved Instadose dosimeter is user-friendly and innovative. Whereas you might otherwise have to wait weeks for results, with Instadose you get immediate access to the most recent dosage results. Through a Bluetooth connection, this data is stored on a convenient digital platform, where it can be retrieved anytime and anywhere.

Why request your dosimeters from SCK CEN?

SCK CEN is the only distributor of Instadose dosimeters in Belgium. We have both Instadose+ (Hp10) and Instadose2 (Hp10 + Hp0.07) in stock.

View the Instadose brochure here

In a nutshell

  • Ingenious ease of use

    No need to return • Link one device to multiple people • Rapid results  • Rapid service from SCK CEN for urgent measurements • Extra results at the push of a button (= read them whenever you want) ° Ability to discover the period of exposure
  • Ingenious Innovation
  • All the results via web application • Easy data transfer via Bluetooth connection • Clear online portal for management & reporting

Discover the Instadose client portal

Consult your dose results via our digital platform. With a personal login to this secure environment, you can:

  • Review dosage results
  • Request new dosimeters
  • Cancel requests for dosimeters
  • Report lost dosimeters
  • Link spare dosimeters to people
  • Retrieve overviews for your team, a particular group of employees or the whole company
  • Draw up dosage reports for government bodies, such as the FANC in Belgium

You will automatically get access to this application when you purchase your Instadose dosimeter.

Which Instadose do you choose?

The Instadose dosimeter is available in two versions: Instadose+ and Instadose2. Instadose+ only measures Hp(10) and is therefore somewhat cheaper than Instadose2, which monitors both Hp(10) and Hp(0.07). Instadose+ or Instadose2? That's your choice. You can read what the difference is hereunder.

  • Instadose+

    • Minimally detectable dose: 80 µSv
    • Type of radiation: photons
    • Measuring range: 80 µSv up to 1 Sv
    • Measured units: Hp(10)
    • Energy range: 24 keV - 1.25 MeV
  • Instadose2

    • Minimally detectable dose: 80 µSv
    • Type of radiation: photons
    • Measuring range:
      • Hp(10): from 80 µSv up to 1 Sv
      • Hp(0.07): from 150 µSv to 1 Sv
    • Measured units: Hp(10) and Hp(0.07)
    • Energy range: 24 keV - 1.25 MeV

Looking for more information or a personalised solution?

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