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How do I submit my postdoc application?

When submitting your candidacy for a postgraduate study, please take the following guidelines into account:

  1. View the practical guidelines.
  2. Before applying, it is compulsory that you first contact the SCK CEN mentor for further information.
  3. Applications can only be made online, by using website (click on the “apply here” button indicated at the bottom of with each topic). Any other form of application (electronic or written) will be rejected.
  4. The online application form must be filled in as completely and accurately as possible and needs to be accompanied by two reference letters (template reference letter referee) from key scientific persons. Please note that only applications where all required documents and information are received before the deadline (see below) will be considered. The submission deadline for applications is strict and is mentioned in the section "timing".
  5. Transfer of knowledge towards countries that did not sign the non-proliferation treaty or of which the immaculate reputation regarding peaceful application of radioactivity, scientific integrity or respect of economic rules is questioned in an international context is conflicting with SCK CEN’s interests and values. The analysis of the applicant for a specific postdoc project will be on a case by case basis based on a continuous interaction with the Federal Agency of Nuclear Control and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  6. The application form will be evaluated by the SCK CEN's Scientific Council. When judged positive, you will be invited to give an oral presentation on the research topic at SCK CEN in Mol, Belgium. The various dates for these oral presentations have already been fixed and can be found in the section “timing”. SCK CEN does not reimburse travel or accommodation costs incurred in order to attend the oral presentation. We do offer a webconferencing system for foreign applicants who have difficulties in travelling to Mol.
  7. The final decision about your application will be taken after the oral presentation.
  8. For further questions about your application and the application procedure, please email academy [at] sckcen [dot] be.

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