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Summer school in radiation biology

10/08/2015 - 21/08/2015
Boeretang 200


DoReMi ( is a Euratom-funded Network of Excellence set up to promote and integrate European research into the risks of exposure to low doses of ionising radiation. In addition, DoReMi facilitates and promotes training and education in support of the research programme within the project, and also makes more widely available training opportunities in order to help attract top-level students into the field. As part of this initiative, a Summer school in radiobiology of two week duration is organized by the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. It is open to pupils and students preferentially between 17 and 20 years old, who are interested in medical and biological research related to nuclear energy.

Multidisciplinary radiobiological research forms the scientific basis of various disciplines such as radiation protection, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. Consequently, radiobiology contributes to human health. The goal of radiobiological research in radiation protection is to better understand the effects of the radiation exposure at the cellular and molecular levels in order to determine the effects on health. The purpose of the research carried out in the unit of radiobiology is, for both national and international projects, to provide scientific knowledge to the authorities and to inform the population appropriately about the effects of ionizing radiation under normal or accidental circumstances.

The main research lines that are currently studied in radiobiology at SCK•CEN are:

  • The individual susceptibility to ionizing radiation and the related cancer risks.
  • The impact of ionizing radiation on female gametes, on the development of the embryo and the brain.
  • The impact of space conditions (in particular of cosmic radiation and weightlessness) on health.
  • The biological effects of the medical use of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances in radiotherapy and medical imaging.


The main research lines that are currently studied in radiobiology at SCK•CEN are:

  •  The individual susceptibility to ionizing radiation and the related cancer risks.
  • The impact of ionizing radiation on female gametes, on the development of the embryo and the brain.
  • The impact of space conditions (in particular of cosmic radiation and weightlessness) on health.
  • The biological effects of the medical use of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances in radiotherapy and medical imaging.


The summer school in radiobiology is intended to train those who wish to enter active research in radiobiology or who wish to acquire detailed knowledge of the effects of ionizing radiations on living matter. It will also deal with the clinical aspects of radiotherapy or radio-diagnostics and with the application of radioisotopes to biological and medical problems.

The age of the students is restricted to 17 to 20 years old. Students entering their last year at secondary school are welcome to apply as well as students in first, second or third year of Bachelor degree in any scientific, medical and engineering fields.


The full programme can be downloaded here:

Programme Summer School Radiation Biology 2015.pdf

Required Knowledge

No specific knowledge is requested.


No specific preparation is needed.

Learning outcomes

The summer school in radiobiology is intended to train those who wish to enter active research in radiobiology or who wish to acquire detailed knowledge of the effects of ionizing radiations on living matter. It will also deal with the clinical aspects of radiotherapy or radiodiagnostics and with the application of radioisotopes to biological and medical problems.


Participation for students to the summer school is free of charge.

Registration info

People wishing to apply should:

  1. Register via the SCK•CEN Academy website;
  2. Send by e-mail the following documents to Sarah Baatout at sarah [dot] baatout [at] sckcen [dot] be with a copy to els [dot] van [dot] musscher [at] sckcen [dot] be:
  • A letter of application
  • A CV with a description of the scientific career

The deadline for applications is April 19, 2015. Information confirming the acceptance will be sent by June 1, 2015. Due to the high number of requests, a selection of the most highly motivated 20 students will be performed on the basis of their curriculum vitae and their letter of motivation.

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