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Radiation safety management for radiographers and radiological technologists

07/11/2011 - 18/11/2011
Stormstraat 2


Diagnostic radiology is a powerful tool in modern medicine. Its influence is expected to increase in the years to come in Western as well as in Southern countries. However, ionising radiation has some harmful effects on biological systems. The exposure of patients, staff and public should therefore be attentively controlled.

This training aims at (head-) radiographers of radiology departments of large hospitals that are responsible for radiation protection, or radiographers that have a responsibility in radiation protection at a national level.

The training recalls briefly the basic principles of radiation protection, but the main focus of the training is aimed at the implementation of a radiation protection program in the daily organisation of a department of diagnostic radiography.

The training program is very practical oriented and starts from the work situation of the participants. Practical training will be provided in the skills-lab environment of the HUBrussel department of medical imaging. Part of the training will be located at the The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN).

Participants will return to their home country with essential documentation and contact information of Belgian or European colleagues to start up local initiatives


The program consists of theoretical courses in radiation protection techniques, hands-on training sessions in the radiology skills-lab at HUBrussel and training at the facilities of SCK-CEN.

An important part of the training consists of group sessions and discussions on setting up safety programs. These sessions will use the own experiences of the participants as a starting point.


Head radiographers, radiographers or radiological technologists with at least some years of experience in diagnostic radiology. The candidate should have responsibility in radiation protection in a large hospital or in a national program for radiation protection.

Candidates should have had at least an education with a duration of three years as a radiographer or a radiologic technologist.

  • Fluency in English speaking and reading is required.
  • Age limit for candidates is 45 years.
  • A connection with a school for radiographers is recommended.
  • The number of participants is limited to 15.

Learning outcomes

  • To teach participants a methodology to organize and assure radiation protection for patients and staff at a radiology department.
  • To provide training in analysing strengths and weaknesses of the safety situation for staff and patients in actual circumstances.
  • To train participants in developing a safety program taking into account:
      • Training level of the staff
      • Available resources
      • Image quality demanded
      • Number of patients
      • Local legislation
  • To establish a network of experts across Western and Southern countries.

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