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Radiation protection for fluoroscopically guided interventions | CPD in radiation protection for medical exposure

Lakehouse, Auditorium 1
Boeretang 201


Ionising radiation offers various applications in the medical sector for diagnosis and treatment. However, the large use of x-ray medical imaging accounts now for half of the  yearly collective dose to the Belgian population. Next to the patient, also the medical professionals operating the x-ray devices receive an amount of radiation dose which could lead to detrimental effects.

Working with ionising radiation requires adequate understanding of relevant radiation protection issues in order to optimise the dose for the best clinical care and to prevent and reduce the dose related risks for the patient and the exposed worker.

This training session is part of a series of sessions organised in the framework of the continuous professional development  in radiation protection for medical exposure. The aim is to discuss the most recent status of relevant subjects in radiation protection for professionals responsible for the patient exposure to ionising radiation.


All professionals who are directly involved in the patient exposure to ionising radiation, such as radiologists and other medical specialists using x-rays, as well as nurses and paramedical personnel assisting in the patient exposure of ionising radiation.

This training session is eligible for 2,5 hours of continuous professional development in radiation protection for the prolongation of the certification of radiologists and other medical specialists using x-rays (Art 53.1 Royal Decree 20 July 2001). It is also eligible as CPD for nurses and paramedical personnel assisting in the patient exposure of ionising radiation (art. 53.2 Royal Decree 20 July 2001). A certificate of attendance will be provided.


Required Knowledge

Knowledge of the basic principles of ionising radiation is recommended, but not required.



No preparation is required for this training course.


The registration fee is € 100 (incl. VAT) and includes the course material and coffee break.

Cancellation with total refund is only possible until September 19, 2016.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. When registering, the SCK•CEN Academy will send you a separate e-mail with further instructions related to your payment. If you would need further assistance, please contact academy [at] sckcen [dot] be (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be).

The invoice will be sent to your organisation after the training course. If you need an invoice before the start of the training session, please let us know and provide to us your invoice data.

Registration info

Please register yourself via the registration button above.

Deadline for registration is September 19, 2016.

Places are limited, so early booking is recommended.

The registration fee is € 100 (incl. VAT), including the course material and coffee break.


The training session takes place on Tuesday October 4, 2016 from 19:00 h until 22:00 h in the SCK•CEN Lakehouse, Boeretang 201, 2400 Mol.

Driving directions are available online via

Ample parking is foreseen.

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