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Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies

02/09/2019 - 06/09/2019
Boeretang 200


The course on "Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies" addresses the state of the art in nuclear and radiological emergency management including the latest international recommendations, the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident and the challenges we still face. The main objective is to provide fundamental knowledge and practical advice to all actors involved in emergency planning and response.

Main topics in the course are the principles of intervention; radiological evaluations; decision-support tools; different aspects of planning and organization in off-site emergency response; economic, social and psychological impact; European Community legislation; and international data and information exchange.

The course is organized by the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology, in collaboration with the main European emergency management actors and the European platform NERIS (Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery,


  • Radiological emergencies
  • Transfer pathways to the environment and exposure pathways
  • Monitoring and data management strategies
  • Principles of intervention
  • Implementation of early countermeasures – Practical aspects
  • Countermeasures for contaminated food production systems
  • Countermeasures for inhabited areas
  • Decision support systems: RODOS
  • International data and information exchange
  • Economic, psychological, social and ethical aspects of intervention
  • Emergency plans: organisation & requirements
  • Communication
  • Community legislation
  • Stakeholder involvement in preparedness activities
  • The Fukushima accident
  • Specific issues related to radiological emergencies of other origin than nuclear accidents
  • Triage, monitoring and treatment of people exposed to malevolent use of radiation
  • Organisation of exercises and lessons learned

Group activities will be organised to explore in depth several aspects presented during the course lectures. A comprehensive table-top exercise simulating a nuclear accident will be organised, plunging participants in the decision-making process and confronting them with the real difficulties.

A technical visit of several points of interest in SCK•CEN may be also foreseen for the interested participants.


The course is mainly targeted towards technical and radiological advisors, staff responsible for the overall emergency organisation and policy, such as civil protection officers and environmental protection officers, either entering the domain or being interested in refreshing the basics and getting acquainted with latest developments in the field. A basic knowledge of radiation protection is recommended.

The target audience also includes young investigators (e.g. Master or PhD students) in fields connected to emergency management (e.g. atmospheric dispersion and deposition, dose assessment, decision-supporting tools) and professionals wishing to develop a career in the field of emergency management, e.g. by acting as technical and radiological advisors to the authorities.


The full programme can be downloaded here:


Required Knowledge

A basic knowledge of radiation protection is recommended.

A refresher course on basic notions in radiation protection will be given in the first course day for the interested participants.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this training course, the participant will be able to:

In terms of knowledge

  • Know the theoretical principles of radiation protection and intervention in emergency situations
  • know the state-of-the-art and the main research challenges in the field of nuclear / radiological emergency management
  • Gain insight into the essentials (theoretical and practical) of nuclear and radiological emergency management
  • Understand and apply the basic principles of intervention

In terms of skills

  • Carry out radiological assessments
  • Apply the knowledge related to radiation monitoring, protective actions for human and the environment and communication
  • Deal with the complexity of the situation in terms of its radiological, social and legal dimensions
  • Know and adequately respond to radiological hazards
  • Participate in emergency management exercises
  • Participants will be able to apply state of the art knowledge in decision-making processes related to nuclear and radiological emergencies

In terms of competences

  • Assume a role in an emergency management team
  • Be ready to respond to a nuclear or radiological event


Regular registration:  price course 1.984 EUR - without accommodation

Belgian first responders: price course 992 EUR - without accommodation

Belgian first responders:  price course 992 EUR– accommodation 350 EUR - single room

Belgian first responders:  price course 992 EUR– accommodation 225 EUR  - double room

Regular registration:  price course 1.984 EUR - accommodation 350 EUR  - single room

Regular registration:  price course 1.984 EUR - accommodation 225 EUR - double room

VAT on courses is 21%, VAT on accommodation is 6%. Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements. Pre-booking is made at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse. Please inform the SCK•CEN Academy team (academy [at] sckcen [dot] be) to confirm your room reservation. Accommodation @ SCK•CEN Lakehouse from Sunday September 1 until Thursday September 5, 2019 (breakfast included – 5 nights). In a double room you will share the room with a person of the same gender.

Cancellation requests must be sent by email to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be no later than August 19, 2019. No shows and cancellations after deadline will incur the full cost of registration.

Registration info

You can register by clicking on the orange registration button above until August 19, 2019.

The training will focus on interaction and dialogue. For this reason, the number of participants will be limited to 25.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer (for regular participants) or have received the grant confirmation (young researchers). When registering, the SCK•CEN Academy will send you a separate e-mail with further instructions related to your payment. If you would need further assistance, please contact academy [at] sckcen [dot] be. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until August 16, 2019.

SCK•CEN reserves the right to cancel a training course or event (e.g. in case of low number of registrations) without reimbursement of already made travel and accommodation arrangements.


Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements. Pre-booking is made at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse. Please inform the SCK•CEN Academy team (academy [at] sckcen [dot] be) to confirm your room reservation.

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