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MIND Advanced training course | Geomicrobiology in radioactive waste disposal

08/10/2018 - 11/10/2018
Boeretang 200


This advanced training course was developed with the scientific knowledge gathered during the MIND project. MIND (Microbiology In Nuclear waste Disposal) is a unique multidisciplinary project which brings together a broad range of leading research institutions and stakeholders in the field of radioactive waste disposal to address the Euratom 2014-2015 Work Programme topic NFRP 6 – 2014: Supporting the implementation of the first-of-the-kind geological repositories.

The objective of this advanced training course is to provide state-of-the-art knowledge and insight into the geomicrobiology phenomena related to the geological disposal of radioactive waste. The focus will be on performance assessment of the geological disposal environment and the engineered barrier systems for high-level and long-lived intermediate level waste using the knowledge of geomicrobiology processes.

Several case studies from different European Member States will be highlighted. Lectures on advanced analyzing techniques will complemented by technical visits to the SCK•CEN research laboratories in microbiology and the underground laboratory for waste disposal research.

Geological disposal of radioactive waste represents a challenge where social and technical aspects blend with regard to the design, implementation and post-construction management of the installation. For this reason, a dedicated panel discussion will be focusing on the impact of the inclusion of microbiology on expert conceptualisation and public perception of geological disposal


The following topics will be treated:

  • Introduction to the MIND project
  • Geomicrobiology in radioactive waste disposal
  • Microbiological interactions with organic components in low- and intermediate level long-lived waste
  • Bentonite, cement and metals in high-level waste
  • Microbial activity in the engineered barrier
  • Modelling tools & bioinformatics
  • Impact assessment
  • Remaining issues in geomicrobiology and how to deal with them
  • Case studies of in situ experiments: outcomes and lessons learned
  • Panel discussion: The impact of the inclusion of microbiology on expert conceptualization and public perception of geological disposal of radioactive waste
  • Visit to the underground laboratory HADES


The course is mainly targeted towards professionals active in the nuclear and/or waste management area, either entering the domain or being interested in refreshing the basics and getting acquainted with latest developments in the field.

The target audience also includes young investigators (e.g. Master or PhD students) in fields connected to geomicrobiology and disposal of radioactive waste.


Required Knowledge

A basic knowledge of geomicrobiology is recommended.


There is no course fee, but registration is mandatory.

Registration info

Participation to this advanced training course is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

You can register by clicking on the registration button above until September 9, 2018.

Mobility grants are available for students and professionals via the ENEN+ project. Deadline for application is May 31, 2018. Details can be found on

SCK•CEN reserves the right to cancel a training course or event (e.g. in case of low number of registrations).


The training course is held at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium. 

We can suggest hotel Alauda or Corbie hotel Mol for your accomodation.

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