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Support and manage nuclear research

SCK CEN is the starting point for researchers and engineers who want to uncover and develop new applications in nuclear research. But they can’t do it alone. We need strong leaders and reliable operators to keep everything running smoothly, without losing sight of the strategic goals.

Werken aan het beheer en de ondersteuning bij SCK CEN (2018)

What you’ll need along the way

  1. Open lines of communication

    Management & operations professionals are at the center of our organization.

    A core competence in that regard is communicating clearly – in English, in time and in tune with technical specifications.

  2. An eye for education

    From new nuclear machines to nuclear law – every colleague at SCK CEN has the opportunity to take additional training. Curiosity and lifelong learning run through our facilities.

  3. Clear route planning

    You can have it all. Just not all at once. Our state-of-the-art nuclear equipment is important for each research project. Reduce waiting times by planning ahead.

Carefully craft (y)our future

Unlike academia, our focus is firmly on the application of nuclear science. So whether you want to run lab tests, do our accounting or lead a project team, at SCK CEN you’ll need a hands-on attitude.

Do you have strong people management skills and an affinity for innovative nuclear projects? Explore our wide variety of job vacancies below and lead us to innovation.

Werken aan het beheer en de ondersteuning bij SCK CEN (2015)

Encourage curious colleagues to explore

Randy, lab technician: I work on different research topics. So it’s natural to pick up something new every day. Eventually, you realise that education runs through the facility because new technologies and inventions continue to improve at an unprecedented pace. And that's both noteworthy and interesting!

SCK CEN in 3 keywords? Innovative, peaceful, and future-oriented!
Randy, lab technician

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