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Customized training courses in preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies

SCK CEN - Crisisbeheersing (2019)


Off-site nuclear emergency management has seen major advances in recent years. This includes development of improved guidance on the protection of populations in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency, enhanced modeling, monitoring and decision support tools, information and data exchange and stakeholder participation. Our training courses intend to update participant’s knowledge and skills according to the latest findings in this matter.

Theoretical classes are complemented by hands-on exercises and technical visits to several SCK CEN laboratories. Group activities are organized to explore several aspects presented during the course lectures. A table-top exercise simulating a nuclear accident confronts participants with the real difficulties of decision-making in an emergency situation.

Target audience

Our courses are developed for technical and radiological advisors, staff responsible for the overall emergency organization and policy, either entering the domain or being interested in refreshing the basics and getting acquainted with latest development in the field. Master of PhD students in the fields connected to emergency management (e.g. atmospheric dispersion and deposition, dose assessment, decision-supporting tools) could also benefit from these courses.

  • SCK CEN - Crisisbeheersing (2019)

    Available theoretical modules

    • Radiological emergencies
    • Transfer pathways to the environment and exposure pathways, including atmospheric dispersion modeling
    • Monitoring and data management strategies 
    • Principles of intervention
    • Implementation of early countermeasures - practical aspects
    • Countermeasures for inhabited areas and contaminated food production systems
    • Decision support systems 
    • Economic, psychological, social and ethical aspects of intervention
    • Emergency plans: organization and requirements 
    • Crisis communication and communication with the media
    • Community legislation
    • Stakeholder involvement in preparedness activities
    • Lessons learned from historic accidents
    • Specific issues related to radiological emergencies of other origin than nuclear accidents
    • Triage, monitoring and treatment of people exposed to malevolent use of radiation
  • SCK CEN - Opleiding bij Academy (2019)

    Available practical modules

    • Practical exercises on dose assessments for nuclear and/or radiological emergencies, including the use of atmospheric dispersion models
    • Use of personal protective equipment
    • Environmental sampling
    • Use of measurement devices, source location, source characterization, …
    • Practical exercises related to the decision process
    • Communication
  • SCK CEN - Antropogammametrie (2019)

    Related technical visits

    • Anthropogammametry laboratory
    • Radioactive decontamination wing of the medical services
    • Emergency planning & follow-up room
    • Intervention vehicle


Courses are given by top-level SCK CEN scientists and engineers with solid expertise in their research domain. Furthermore, they have followed learning facilitator training sessions and can thus transfer their theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the course participants efficiently and effectively. The SCK CEN lecturing team is extended for the NERIS courses by guest lecturers from renowned international organizations dealing with emergency management.

More training courses

Next to training courses tailored to the needs of the customer, the SCK CEN Academy organizes ‘open courses’ on a regular basis in several themes. These training courses have a fixed programme and are open for individual registrations.

View the calendar for the next training course in preparedness

and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies.

To the calendar

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