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The European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry

The European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry (EWGRD) started around 1960, under the sponsorship of EURATOM, with members designated by the governments from each European Union (EU) laboratories working in the field of reactor physics and technology. The goal was to exchange directly experience and know-how in reactor dosimetry and connected programmes. The fields covered were the measurements of thermal and epithermal fluences and fluence rate, the measurement of fast neutron spectra and fluences of thermal and fast reactors, and later the measurement of fusion and spallation neutron spectra.

A major application of neutron dosimetry in fission reactors was and still is the monitoring of irradiation experiments. The knowledge of the neutron and gamma-ray fields and fluences as well as the temperature during irradiation, is necessary to understand and to assess the embrittlement of the structural materials.

Radiation damage units had to be introduced, i.e. dpa, flux > 1 MeV, or flux > 0.5 MeV, to correlate the life time of a material under radiation to the exposure dose.

Soon the need for normalisation was felt in order to guarantee that specific nuclear data was used, that measurements in different laboratories gave the same results (need for inter-calibration experiments and standards), and that results were expressed such that a comparison with results from other laboratories was possible. Specific topics were discussed in sub-groups resulting in final recommendations. These final recommendations were then discussed in plenary meetings and accepted as recommendations for European use.

A number of documents in different domains of the field were produced, e.g.:

The large programme on pressure vessel steel dosimetry, at which a large number of European laboratories participated, started at the first ASTM-EURATOM Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry that was organised in Petten in 1975. There was active participation from ASTM and with successful results  which lead to a number of ASTM standards.

This programme has emphasised the importance of the collaboration between metallurgists, reactor operators and reactor physicists, theoretical as well as experimental researchers. The role of neutron and gamma dosimetry has been of major importance in this research programme. It has proven to be of major importance for the industrial application of pressure vessel steels and lifetime predictions under radiation.

The EWGRD is presently chaired by jan [dot] wagemans [at] sckcen [dot] be (Jan Wagemans) (SCK CEN).

Members of the EWGRD Programme Committee

Jan Wagemans (Chairman)

Country: Belgium

E-mail: jan [dot] wagemans [at] sckcen [dot] be

Institute: SCK CEN, Mol

Dean Thornton (Secretary)

Country: United Kingdom

E-mail: dean [dot] thornton [at] jacobs [dot] com

Institute: Jacobs, Gloucester

Stéphane Bourganel

Country: France

E-mail: stephane [dot] bourganel [at] cea [dot] fr (stephane[dot]bourganel[at]cea[dot]fr)

Institute: CEA, Saclay

Szabolcs Czifrus

Country: Hungary

E-mail: czifrus [at] reak [dot] bme [dot] hu

Institute: BUTE, Budapest

Aku Itälä

Country: Finland

E-mail: Aku [dot] Itala [at] vtt [dot] fi (Aku[dot]Itala[at]vtt[dot]fi)

Institute: VTT, Espoo

Abdallah Lyoussi

Country: France

E-mail: abdallah [dot] lyoussi [at] cea [dot] fr

Institute: CEA, St Paul lez Durance

Pavel Frajtag

Country: Switzerland

E-mail: pavel [dot] frajtag [at] epfl [dot] ch

Institute: EPFL, Lausanne

Oleksandr Grytsenko

Country: Ukraine

E-mail: agrytsen [at] kinr [dot] kiev [dot] ua

Institute: KINR, Kiev

Mladen Mitev

Country: Bulgaria

E-mail: mlmitev [at] inrne [dot] bas [dot] bg

Institute: INRNE-BAS, Sofia

Vit Klupak

Country: Czech Republic

E-mail: Vit [dot] Klupak [at] cvrez [dot] cz

Institute: NRI, Rez

Joerg Konheiser

Country: Germany

E-mail: j [dot] konheiser [at] fzd [dot] de

Institute: HZDR, Rossendorf

Rafal Prokopowicz

Country: Poland

E-mail: rafal [dot] prokopowicz [at] ncbj [dot] gov [dot] pl

Institute: NCBJ, Otwock

Vladimir Radulovic

Country: Slovenia

E-mail: vladimir [dot] radulovic [at] ijs [dot] si

Institute: JSI, Ljubljana

Jenny Roudén

Country: Sweden

E-mail: Jenny [dot] rouden [at] vattenfall [dot] com

Institute: Ringhals, Väröbacka

Martin Lovecky

Country: Czech Republic

E-mail: martin [dot] lovecky [at] skoda-js [dot] cz (martin[dot]lovecky[at]skoda-js[dot]cz)

Institute: Skoda, Plzen

Ernst Ippel

Country: The Netherlands

E-mail: ippel [at] nrg [dot] eu (ippel[at]nrg[dot]eu)

Institute: NRG, Petten

Eva Zsolnay

Country: Hungary

E-mail: zsolnay [at] reak [dot] bme [dot] hu

Institute: BUTE, Budapest

International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry

The state of the art in all reactor dosimetry aspects such as techniques, calculations and adjustment methods, damage correlation, neutron data, etc., are fully reported in the proceedings of the International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry series organised alternatively by EWGRD and ASTM:

  • 1975 Petten (EUROPE, The Netherlands) - EUR 5667
  • 1977 Palo Alto (USA, California) - NUREG CP 0004
  • 1979 Ispra (EUROPE, Italy) - EUR 6813
  • 1982 Washington (USA, Maryland) - NUREG CP 0029
  • 1984 Geestacht (EUROPE, Germany) - EUR 9869
  • 1987 Jackson Hole (USA, Wyoming) - ASTM STP 1001
  • 1990 Strasbourg (EUROPE, France) - EUR 14356
  • 1993 Vail (USA, Colorado) - ASTM STP 1228
  • 1996 Prague (EUROPE, Czech Republic) - World Scientific ISBN 981-02-3346-9
  • 1999 Osaka (Japan) - ASTM STP 1398
  • 2002 Brussels (EUROPE, Belgium) - World Scientific ISBN 981-238-448-0
  • 2005 Gatlinburg (USA, TN) - ASTM STP 1490
  • 2008 Akersloot (EUROPE, The Netherlands) - World Scientific ISBN 981-4271-10-1
  • 2011 Bretton Woods (USA, NH) - ASTM STP 1550
  • 2014 Aix en Provence (EUROPE, France) - EPJ Web of Conferences volume 106 - 2016
  • 2017 Santa Fe (USA, New Mexico) -ASTM STP 1608

EWGRD Activities


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