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Open course: Radioactive waste management

SCK CEN - Opleiding bij Academy (2019)


This intensive unique course will give a comprehensive overview of different aspects involved in the management of radioactive waste. The course modules will handle operational radioactive waste management during collection, characterization, conditioning, transport and storage. Course topics will focus on international best practices and regulations, national and international state-of-the-art, and benefits from expertise from the point of view of waste producers, waste management organisations and nuclear regulators.

In each aspect of the course, theory is combined with technical visits to allow students to experience how guidelines and best practices are translated to the field.

The course can be followed in full, or students may choose to follow only particular modules. For international students, it is of interest to know that the first week will have a more general (international) aspect, while the second week will focus mostly on particular Belgian topics.

Target audience

This training course is intended to attract scholars and professionals in radioactive waste management. The participant has to have a scientific-technical background (master in science or engineering).

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this training course, the participant will be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge of the general classification of nuclear waste and the basic principles of radioactive waste management;
  • translate these basic principles of radioactive waste management into good practices;
  • demonstrate knowledge on of the interrelations of the different actors in the nuclear field related to this waste management (nuclear regulator, waste management organization);
  • demonstrate knowledge on radioactive waste characterization and conditioning techniques;
  • demonstrate the understanding of the Belgian case: the acceptation and accreditation system of NIRAS/ONDRAF.

Language and duration

This course is given in English.

This intensive one and a half week training course is provided from 09h00 to 17h00, including two coffee breaks and lunch.

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for the next training course on radioactive waste disposal.

To the calendar

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