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Graphical user interface for a material test information system in R Shiny


Within the framework of material characterization programs many mechanical and corrosion tests are being performed.  The information that these tests yield needs to be stored, analyzed and be available in a user friendly way for current and future users of the material test information.

Hitherto, we would like to set up a graphical user interface (GUI) in R Shiny (1-2).  We call the application TIMARS, standing for test information management, analysis and reporting system.  TIMARS needs to have scripts to e.g. store new test results properly, analyze previous and current test result, make overviews, export data to external database formats.

We like to trust the design of a proper, modern system interface to a student in information technology as a practical work.  We, however, made the decision that we will use R Shiny as the software platform because many of our staff are writing the underlying scripts in R.



Additional info

• Major scripts for mechanical and corrosion test information are available and do not need to be programmed by the student.  It is the intention that the student will only integrate them in an overall GUI (which might require some adaptation though).

• The assignment has been worded in English as most of the staff and PhD students that wrote the scripts are foreign.

Profile student

• Necessary experience: Graphical user interface design and coding

• Advantage: Knowledge of R, R-Studio and R-Shiny


• To produce a working and user-friendly GUI to our material test information in R-Shiny.

• To ensure the R-Shiny coding is extensively commented within the code.

• To extensively test the produced GUI.

• To write a technical manual of the GUI (for developers to create future versions).

• To write a user manual for the GUI (for users).

• To write an internship report or thesis with lessons learned.

Le niveau de diplôme minimum du candidat

  • Secondary education

Les connaissances préexistantes nécessaires

  • Informatics
  • Necessary experience: Graphical user interface design and coding

La durée estimée

3 months

Le groupe d'experts

Matériaux de Structure

SCK CEN Mentor

Vankeerberghen Marc
marc.vankeerberghen [at]
+32 (0)14 33 31 82