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Determining correction factors due to threshold reaction interference in Neutron Activation Analysis

In neutron activation analysis using reactors as a neutron source, it is usually assumed that each radioisotope detected is produced by the (n,γ) reaction on a stable isotope of the same element. However, in most irradiation sites, there is a significant component of fast neutrons which may produce the radioisotope of interest by (n,p) and (n,α) reactions. Failure to correct for these threshold interferences produces significant systematic errors. These interference factors may be significantly different because of the influence of reactor components such as the reflector on the fast neutron spectrum.

The aim of this work is to measure "interference factors" for several well-chosen elements using several activation foils in different irradiation channels of the BR1 reactor. The values obtained in this experimental work will then be compared with some recommended values and calculated values from nuclear data libraries for a pure 235U prompt fission spectrum.

Le niveau de diplôme minimum du candidat

  • Academic bachelor

Les connaissances préexistantes nécessaires

  • Physics
  • Industrial engineering

La durée estimée

6 months

Le groupe d'experts

Exploitation de Systèmes nucléaires

SCK CEN Mentor

Vermaercke Peter
peter.vermaercke [at]
+32 (0)14 33 25 93

SCK CEN Co-mentor

Fiorito Luca
luca.fiorito [at]
+32 (0)14 33 21 86