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Topical Day | The mouse model in radiobiology on the occasion of the inauguration of the new SCK•CEN animal facility

Boeretang 200


The animal model has an essential role in understanding the effects of ionizing radiation on living organisms. Its role at low doses is even more important given the absence of clear biomarkers and firm epidemiological data. The aim of the Topical Day is to discuss the importance of the mouse model for modern radiobiological research and to celebrate the opening of the SCK•CEN new animal facility. Several speakers will present the relevance of animal experiences in their field of research (cancer, cerebrovascular, stem-cell, cataract, congenital malformations…).

Participants will have a unique opportunity to visit the new animal facility and the nearby laboratories of radiobiology and microbiology on the SCK•CEN premises. The implementation of the new Royal Decree on animal welfare of the new facility will be discussed and an overview will be given of the state of the art of the animal research facilities in Belgium and Europe.


The significance of the mouse model in radiation protection;

The significance of the mouse model in radiobiological cerebrovascular research;

The significance of the mouse model in radiobiological stem-cell research;

Concepts to be considered for state of the art of animal research facilities;

The new Royal Decree relating to animal welfare at the SCK•CEN animal facility;

Background of the new SCK•CEN animal facility;

Central role of the mouse model in radiobiology research at SCK•CEN;

Panel discussion on the use of animal models in research;

Visit of the new SCK•CEN animal facility and the laboratories of radiobiology and microbiology.

Groupe cible

This Topical Day aims at bringing together colleagues from research institutions and universities interested in animal research facilities and more particular in the importance of the mouse model for radiobiological research.

This initiative is endorsed by the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC-AFCN).

This Topical Day is eligible for 4 hours of continuous professional development in radiation protection for the prolongation of the certification of Medical Doctors.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Topical day on the mouse model in radiobiology.pdf


Early birds registration: € 80 (VAT incl, until May 1, 2014)

Late registration: € 90 (VAT incl, as from May 2, 2014)

Registration for students is free.

Registration for the participants to the OPERRA workshop on June 13, 2014 is free.

Informations sur l'inscription

You can register by clicking on the registration button above until May 19, 2014, taking into account the availability of 120 places. Cancellation with total refund is only possible up to 2 weeks before the beginning of the event.

Registration for students and the participants to the OPERRA workshop on June 13, 2014 is free.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application ( for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The address of the bank is Dexia Bank, Koning Albert II laan 30b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Topical Day mouse model 2014-06-12" and your name on the bank transfer.

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