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Topical Day | Luminescence dosimetry for environment, health and safety

Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


Luminescence dosimetry is a widely used method to assess the magnitude of ionizing radiation doses in various synthetic and natural materials. Applications are widespread and include the vast field of radiation protection, geological and archaeological dating and various industrial applications such as food testing and material degradation. A wide range of disciplines make use of this technique, their common goal being to determine the dose of interest as accurately as possible.  This workshop aims at bringing together students, researchers and professionals dealing with luminescence dosimetry, and as such foster interdisciplinary discussions between various communities.

This topical day is eligible for 2 hours of continuous professional development in radiation protection for the prolongation of the certification of Medical Doctors for medical supervision (art. 75 Royal Decree 20 July 2001).


The following topics related to the state of the art in luminescence dosimetry will be treated:

  • Basic principles and assessment of ionizing radiation doses in synthetic and natural materials
  • Development of equipment
  • Luminescence dosimetry in occupational radiation protection
  • Luminescence dosimetry in medical applications
  • Luminescence dosimetry in geological applications and retrospective dosimetry

Groupe cible

  • Senior and junior researchers from universities and research centres, as well as PhD and master students dealing with solid state physics, chemistry, radiation protection, archeology, geology, etc.
  • Professionals working in industry, research and governmental institutions and dealing with dosimetric services, food quality control, material inspection etc.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Programme - Topical Day on luminescence dosimetry - June 8, 2017.pdf

Connaissances nécessaires

Basic knowledge of radiation protection principles is an advantage.


Early-bird registration fee: € 80 (VAT incl, until May 09, 2017)

Registration is free for invited speakers, SCK•CEN Alumni members, SCK•CEN personnel and students.

Regular registration fee: € 100 (VAT incl, as from May 10, 2017) 

Informations sur l'inscription

You can register by clicking on the registration button above until June 3, 2017, taking into account the availability of 100 places. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until May 31, 2017. 

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application ( for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE 58 5502 7124 0079 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. The address of the bank is Belfius, Koning Albert II laan 30 b2, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code GKCCBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Topical Day - Luminescence dosimetry" and your name on the bank transfer. (*) On-site registration is only possible with proof of payment.


The Topical Day is held at the Lakehouse of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium. 

Rooms can be booked directly with the Lakehouse website or via info [at] lakehouse [dot] be.

Other hotels in the vicinity of the Lakehouse:

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