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School on nuclear data for depletion calculations in the frame of the SANDA project

Extension of the submission deadline!

11/09/2023 - 15/09/2023
Retieseweg 111


A school on nuclear data in support of depletion calculations will be organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with the SCK CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology.

The school will be held at the premises of the EC-JRC Geel (Retieseweg 111, 2440 Geel, Belgium) from September 11-15, 2023.

The course focuses on the theme of the production of evaluated nuclear data related to the nuclear fission process.

This school receives funding from the Horizon 2020 Euratom research and training programme under grant agreement No 847552 (SANDA). Participants can apply for financial support in the form of an ENEN++ mobility grant after they have been accepted by the school committee.


The school focuses on the nuclear data that are required for accurate and validated depletion calculations to characterise spent nuclear fuel and is divided in 3 parts:

  • Nuclear data experiments and evaluation
    • Fission yields and fission fragment characteristics
    • Neutron induced capture and fission cross sections
    • Decay data
  • Experimental characterisation of spent nuclear fuel
    • Radiochemical analysis of spent nuclear fuel
    • Non-destructive assay of spent nuclear fuel
  • Depletion calculations
    • Basic principles;
    • Validation of depletion calculations;
    • Use of depletion calculations for spent nuclear fuel characterisation.

Groupe cible

The target audience are young researchers, which can be master students, PhD students or early-stage postdocs.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:


Connaissances nécessaires

A basic knowledge of nuclear physics is required


The school will include a session to allow master students, PhD students and early-stage postdocs to orally present their work in 10 minutes.

Please send your oral presentation to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be before September 11, 2023.

Résultats de l'apprentissage

Upon successful completion of this winter school, participants will be able to

In terms of knowledge:

  • Identify the observables that are important for the transport, handling, storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel
  • Be able to explain the physical and mathematical models behind these so-called depletion codes and understand how nuclear data are used in these models.
  • Be able to highlight the key radionuclides in spent nuclear fuel and their production paths.
  • Understand the importance of experimental data to produce high quality evaluated nuclear data.
  • Know the state-of-the-art (including the limitations) of the current key nuclear data for depletion calculations: fission yields, decay data, neutron fission and capture cross sections
  • Understand how depletion codes are validated using radiochemical experimental data and integral experimental data such as decay heat and radiation emission

In terms of attitude:

  • Have a critical mind set on the quality of evaluated nuclear data important for depletion calculations.


The registration is free of charge. It is only confirmed after a positive reaction on your application by the selection committee. The deadline for submitting the application is June 15, 2023.

The school will focus on interaction and dialogue. For this reason, the number of participants will be limited to 30.

All participants will be provided with:

  • Digital course material;
  • Lunches and refreshment breaks;
  • One dinner;
  • Certificate of attendance.

For more information regarding the application for this school, please see ‘Registration info’.

We attach great importance to the safety of our trainees. SCK CEN has the right to modify the programme, cancel or postpone the training course at any time based on further instructions imposed by the Belgian government or internal instructions by the SCK CEN General Management related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Informations sur l'inscription

You can submit your application until June 15, 2023.

The training will focus on interaction and dialogue. For this reason, the number of participants will be limited to 30 and there is a selection procedure for allocating places.

For the application conditions, please see 'Application procedure'.

Cancellation with total refund is only possible until June 16, 2023.

When registering, the SCK CEN Academy will send you a separate e-mail with further instructions related to your payment. If you would need further assistance, please contact academy [at] sckcen [dot] be.

We attach great importance to the safety of our trainees. SCK CEN has the right to modify the programme, cancel or postpone the training course at any time based on further instructions imposed by the Belgian government or internal instructions by the SCK CEN General Management related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Application procedure

1. General application

  • Submit the application form (.docx), detailing the following information:
    • contact details of the student;
    • status of the PhD study for PhD students or early career professionals;
    • motivation to attend the school;
    • scientific CV and publication list;
    • description of the present research work.

The application should be send by e-mail to JRC-G [dot] II [dot] 5-SECRETARIAT [at] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-G[dot]II[dot]5-SECRETARIAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) before the deadline of June 15, 2023.

All selected participants will be requested to comply with the schedule below.

  • Deadline for submission of the application:  June 15, 2023
  • Selection of applications by selection committee: June 19-23,  2023
  • Inform the applicants about the decision of selection committee: June 28, 2023
  • Confirmation of participation by the applicants: July 7, 2023
  • Registration: July 31, 2023


If eligible, applicants can apply for an ENEN2+ mobility grant.

2. Qualification for application

Applicants should be either M.Sc. students, PhD students or early career professionals, who completed their PhD studies after 1/08/2020.

The applicant must submit an abstract describing the present work of research and a motivation for his/her participation to the Nuclear Data School. Attendees receiving financial support from ENEN2plus are requested to attend all sessions and to prepare a 10 minute presentation about a recent research topic.

The criteria for selection of the participants will be based on:

  • the quality of the abstract and the research work presented in the abstract;
  • the achievements made by the candidate during the past 3 years;
  • the motivation to attend the school.

All applicants are handled equally regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, language, religion etc.

The members of the Selection Committee are:

  • Peter Schillebeeckx (EC-JRC Geel) CHAIR
  • Gert Van den Eynde (SCK CEN, Belgium)
  • Olivier Litaize (CEA Cadarache)
  • Stefan Kopecky (EC-JRC Geel)
  • Stephan Pomp, (Uppsala University, Sweden)

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