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PRISMAP training course | Translational research of radiopharmaceuticals

20/03/2023 - 24/03/2023
Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


This unique course touches upon the radiobiological, radiochemical and dosimetric aspects in the development of radiopharmaceuticals. The course is organized under the umbrella of the PRISMAP project (

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101008571 (PRISMAP).

Specific topics that will be covered are:

  • Radiobiological aspects of the use of radiopharmaceuticals: cancer cell inhibiting and cytotoxicity for normal cells;
  • Radiochemistry in the development of radiopharmaceuticals;
  • Dosimetric and microdosimetric aspects of the use of radiopharmaceuticals;
  • Examples of specific research studies in the development of radiopharmaceuticals.


All lectures will be given in a face-to-face format by SCK CEN scientists, with assistance from SCK CEN PhD students.

The theoretical lectures will be complemented by technical visits to laboratories.

Groupe cible

PhD students as well as post-docs, junior scientists or technicians interested in radiopharmaceuticals for medical applications. The course can allow a maximum number of 20 participants.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:


Connaissances nécessaires

There is no pre-knowledge required.

Résultats de l'apprentissage

Upon completion of this training course, the participant will be able to:

  • identify the different medical radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals applying its clinical use in nuclear medicine;
  • describe cancer cell inhibiting and cytotoxicity for normal cells associated with the use of radiopharmaceuticals and understand basic radiobiological experimental procedures for assessing these effects;
  • explain basic concepts involved in radiopharmacy including the steps involved in labeling and quality control procedures of several radiopharmaceuticals;
  • describe dosimetric and microdosimetric aspects of the use of radiopharmaceuticals which are needed to optimize the radiation dose in clinical procedures;
  • have insight in the main steps of the production of medical radioisotopes, including the radiochemistry and quality control;
  • acknowledge how specific research studies are linked in the development of radiopharmaceuticals.


This training course is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Informations sur l'inscription

To register for this course, an application is mandatory. Your application needs to contain the following information:

  • contact details;
  • brief motivation to attend the school (max. 200 words);
  • scientific CV with current position and field of research.

The application should be sent by e-mail to academy [at] sckcen [dot] be (academy[at]sckcen[dot]be) before the deadline of January 9, 2023. We expect 1 pdf file containing all the requested information about the application.

The organising committee will let you know if your application for this training course is accepted.


The course is held at the SCK CEN Lakehouse of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 201, BE-2400 Mol, Belgium. The Lakehouse does not offer guest rooms anymore.

Accommodation is pre-booked at Corbie hotel in Mol from Sunday March 19 until Friday March 24, 2023 (breakfast included – 5 nights). Hotel booking must be confirmed before February 17, 2023 by email to mol [at] corbiehotel [dot] com and academy [at] sckcen [dot] be.

Please mention your contact data, the check-in and check-out date and the name of the course ‘PRISMAP'. You pay your stay directly to the hotel. 

To support travel, participants might consider applying for the ENEN2plus mobility grant via (bottom - right).

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