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Nuclear Careers Day

The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Hertogsstraat 1


The third edition of the Nuclear Careers Day aims at introducing science and engineering students as well as professionals to available advanced education and training in nuclear themes, PhD opportunities and to available jobs in nuclear industry, healthcare, governmental organizations and research centres.

During a walking lunch, participants can effectively network at the booths of participating companies, institutions and networks.

In the afternoon, 3 visits are foreseen:

  • the KULeuven university hospital (Leuven);
  • the MYRRHA project preparations at UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve);
  • Laborelec, the ENGIE research centre (Linkebeek-Brussels).



  • Welcome
  • Presentation | Nuclear education and continuous professional training
  • Presentation | The nuclear sector in Belgium (and beyond)
  • Pitch sessions | 3 minute presentations of the exhibitors


  • Job fair + walking lunch


  • Technical visit 1 | University hospital Leuven | Medical applications
  • Technical visit 2 | MYRRHA@UCL
  • Technical visit 3 | Laborelec

Please note that the event could be recorded and pictures can be taken.  In principle only general pictures and images will be taken.  If you ask a question or give a comment, also your voice will be recorded. The SCK•CEN may share these records on its website or via its network for educational and promotion purposes. Your registration for this event constitutes an explicit consent with regard to this processing of your personal data.


The third edition of the Nuclear Careers Day introduces you to

  • Advanced nuclear education and training opportunities
  • Possibilities to perform a PhD study at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
  • Job opportunities in nuclear industry, healthcare, governmental organizations and research centres



Groupe cible

This event is aimed at Master students, PhD students and professionals in sciences and engineering with an interest in pursuing a career in nuclear industry, the medical area, research or governmental organizations.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Nuclear Careers Day 2019.pdf


Participation to this event is free of charge.

Informations sur l'inscription

The presentations and the job fair is open to the public and no formal registration is needed.

To participate to the visits below, online registration is mandatory (registrations are closed).


  • the KULeuven university hospital (Leuven);
  • the MYRRHA project preparations at UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve);
  • Laborelec, the ENGIE research centre (Linkebeek-Brussels).

Please note that the event could be recorded and pictures can be taken.  In principle only general pictures and images will be taken.  If you ask a question or give a comment, also your voice will be recorded. The SCK•CEN may share these records on its website or via its network for educational and promotion purposes. Your registration for this event constitutes an explicit consent with regard to this processing of your personal data.

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