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Introduction to Yantra | a lattice Boltzmann based framework for pore-scale modeling

14/11/2017 - 15/11/2017
Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


Yantra is a newly developed tool for pore-scale modelling of physico-chemical processes based on the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. Pore-scale models can be developed using Yantra which can act as virtual probes to understand the effect of heterogeneities in porous media (pore geometry and connectivity, solid phase distribution and surface heterogeneity) on fluid flow, multiphase flow, transport of solutes and chemical interactions of solutes with solid phases resulting in alterations of the pore structure and physical properties. Furthermore, these models form the basis of upscaling by providing the necessary information from the pore-scale, which affects the continuum scale behaviour.

The goal of this two day course is to provide an introduction to the LB method in the context of modelling physico-chemical processes in porous media at the pore-scale along with hands-on training.

Lectures are given in English by Dr. Ravi Patel (SCK•CEN). He holds a PhD in civil engineering from Ghent University, in collaboration with TUDelft. During his PhD research period performed at SCK•CEN, he developed Yantra and applied it for simulating degradation mechanisms of cement-based materials. Meanwhile, Dr. Patel has 5 years of experience on working with lattice Boltzmann methods. He (co)authored several scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals and he actively participated in various national and international conferences.


Some of the unique features of Yantra are:

  • An easy-to-use programming interface in Python. Yantra utilizes a layered structure design, which allows users to quickly create new models using a three-step approach in Python: generate geometry, define physics and visualize
  • An optimized parallel implementation of lattice Boltzmann kernels
  • Special implementations for multilevel porous media containing resolved pores, unresolved continuum phase and solid phases
  • Coupling of lattice Boltzmann transport solver with widely used geochemical reaction solver IPhreeqc for simulating precipitation/dissolution, cation exchange and surface complexation processes involving complex mixed kinetic/equilibrium reaction networks
  • An interface with Python allowing users to couple their own reaction models with the LB transport solvers

Yantra is free-of-charge for any use.

Groupe cible

The course is designed for PhD students, early stage researchers and experienced researchers willing to get themselves familiar with lattice Boltzmann methods in general and to use Yantra for their projects. Participants are welcome to provide a 10 minutes flash presentation on how they intend to use Yantra in their work.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Programme YANTRA - November 14-15, 2017.pdf

Résultats de l'apprentissage

It is expected that after attending this course, participants will have an improved understanding of LB methods and are able to use Yantra for their own research projects.


Early bird: 750 EUR (VAT included) until September 12, 2017

Late registration: 950 EUR (VAT included) as of September 13, 2017

Informations sur l'inscription

You can register by clicking on the orange registration button above until October 31, 2017. Cancellation with total refund is only possible until November 1, 2017. 

Registration fee includes:

  • Course material
  • Lunches and refreshment breaks and dinner on the first course day
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Free participation to the SCK•CEN Academy Topical Day “Bridging experiments and continuum scale modelling of physico-chemical processes at the pore scale” on November 16, 2017

The training will focus on interaction and hands-on exercises. For this reason, the number of participants will be limited to 20. Participants are requested to bring their own laptops.

Your registration is only final when you have made your payment by creditcard or bank transfer. You can use our E-terminal application ( for paying by creditcard, or you can transfer the money to our bank account IBAN BE37 6790 0619 1428 of SCK•CEN, Herrmann Debrouxlaan 40, B-1160 Brussels. Name and address of the bank is BPOST, Centre Monnaie, B-1000 Brussels (SWIFT BIC-code PCHQBEBB). Please make sure that the payment should be made net of all bank charges and commission. Please indicate "Course YANTRA" and your name on the bank transfer.


The training course is held at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse in Mol, Belgium.

Rooms can be booked directly via the Lakehouse website or via info [at] lakehouse [dot] be.

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