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Heavy metal summer school 2019

17/06/2019 - 21/06/2019
Boeretang 200


Heavy liquid metal (HLM) coolants offer new perspectives for the development of innovative nuclear systems for materials research, nuclear waste transmutation and energy production. The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN) is at the forefront of HLM nuclear technology worldwide with the development of the MYRRHA accelerator driven system.

During this summer school, participants will gain insight into the state-of-the-art of research focused to the development of MYRRHA and other HLM-based nuclear systems.  The summer school will cover several aspects of HLM technology that are essential for the engineering design and safety of nuclear systems.

Lectures will be given by experts from SCK•CEN and other internationally renowned research organizations. They will cover the most advanced HLM-based nuclear systems and deal with the chemical, thermal hydraulic and materials issues and challenges in instrumentation and design. Complementary to the lectures, visits are foreseen to various experimental facilities that were constructed at SCK•CEN in support of the MYRRHA project.

Throughout the course week, participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm on best practices and selections of technologies for HLM cooled nuclear systems in interactive sessions with the experts. More information can be found on Places for this summer school are limited to 25. Participants are invited to send in an abstract for a poster presentation on their research project.

Metal and liquids – from a different perspective

As a research center specializing in heavy liquid metal technology, it seems more than a coincidence that SCK•CEN is neighbor to one of the most successful Heavy Metal festivals in the world: the Graspop Metal Meeting (GMM). The GMM begins when the HLM summer school ends. Each participant receives an entrance ticket for Friday June 21, 2019 to enjoy metal and liquids at this unique festival.


To set the frame, the history of HLM-based nuclear systems and the design of the most developed HLM facilities will be introduced.

In a module on chemistry you will be introduced to the various sources of impurities in HLM and to methods for their purification, to oxygen monitoring and control systems, and to the chemistry of radioactive impurities.

In the module on materials you will learn to select materials for structural and functional components of reactors and get acquainted with irradiation damage processes and with liquid metal induced corrosion and its mitigation strategies. 

The thermal hydraulics module will start from the fundamentals of heat transfer in liquid metals to provide insight in the thermal hydraulic phenomena occurring in the fuel assembly and primary system. Experimental and numerical tools for the system safety analysis will also be covered.

In the instrumentation module you will get an overview of measurement techniques that can be used in liquid metals and focus in more detail on ultrasonic measurements.

Groupe cible

This summer school is aimed at PhD students, post-docs and professionals with a particular interest in the domain of HLM technologies.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Programme_Heavy Metal Summer School_2019.pdf

Connaissances nécessaires

Participants are advised to have obtained their Master degree in physics or engineering.


Participants are invited to send in an abstract (max. one page) before May 17, 2019 for a poster presentation during this summer school.

Résultats de l'apprentissage

After participation to this course, participants will be able to:

Related to the module on chemical issues:

  • identify different chemical processes occurring in HLM systems and explain their relation to operation and safety
  • list the different sources of impurities in HLM systems
  • describe by which theoretical and experimental methods the different sources of impurities can be quantified
  • explain why and by which methods certain impurities are removed from heavy liquid metal coolants
  • explicate why oxygen control and monitoring is essential for operation of HLM nuclear systems
  • describe by which methods oxygen control can be achieved and explain their operation
  • explain the working principle and different designs of oxygen sensors
  • clarify which chemical processes govern the distribution of radionuclides in a system like MYRRHA
  • explain the physic chemistry of radionuclide evaporation from heavy liquid metals and experimental methods to measure evaporation

Related to the module on thermal hydraulics:

  • explain the general principles of liquid metal heat transfer
  • identify the possibilities and shortcomings of different numerical approaches for liquid metal heat transfer
  • select proper correlations for pressure loss and heat transfer coefficients in liquid metal cooled fuel assemblies
  • estimate the effects of blockages and deformations in fuel assemblies
  • explain the phenomena occurring in heavy liquid metal pools including mixing and stratification, sloshing etc.
  • describe the approach to design and instrument a scaled pool experiment
  • identify the possibilities and shortcomings of system analysis codes for heavy liquid metal cooled reactor systems
  • explain the issues related to system safety in heavy liquid metal cooled reactor systems

Related to the module on materials issues:

  • identify the general principles of selection and qualification of materials for structural and functional components of reactors
  • differentiate between screening tests and characterization of materials properties for design
  • list mechanical properties used for the design of structural and functional components
  • name the degradation effects of heavy liquid metals and neutron irradiation on mechanical properties used in the development of reactor components
  • describe the general principles of liquid metal corrosion and to give an example of mitigation approaches

Related to the module on instrumentation:

  • give an overview of measurement techniques for diagnostics and process monitoring of liquid metal systems
  • explain the major parameters that affect the performance of an ultrasonic system
  • specify the requirements for an ultrasonic sensor for a given application
  • estimate achievable resolution of an ultrasonic scanning system


PhD student - one-week course 719 EUR  - without accommodation

Professionals (academic/non-academic) - one-week course 752 EUR - without accommodation

Registrations per day - 300 EUR

PhD student - one-week course 719 EUR –accommodation 420 EUR  -single room

Professionals (academic/non-academic) - one-week course: 752 EUR - accommodation 420 EUR - single room

PhD student - one-week course 719 EUR - accommodation 270 EUR - double room

Professionals (academic/non-academic) - one-week course:  752 EUR - accommodation 270 EUR - double room

Lecturers - free of charge

VAT on courses is 21%, VAT on accommodation is 6%. Accommodation @ SCK•CEN Lakehouse from Sunday June 16 until Friday June 20, 2019 (breakfast included -6 nights). In a double room you will share the room with a person of the same gender.

The Heavy Metal Summer School has obtained funding from the ENEN PLUS project (in the form of mobility grants) covering (partially) travel costs, accommodation costs and access fee for the HMSS. See tab ENEN PLUS mobility grants.

Informations sur l'inscription

You can register using the button above until May 29, 2019.

Cancellation with total refund is only possible until May 31, 2019. The training will focus on interaction and dialogue. For this reason, the number of participants will be limited to 25.

The registration fee for the one-week course includes

  • Participation to the course, exercises and technical visits;
  • Welcome reception on Monday evening June 17, 2019;
  • Coffee breaks & lunches during the course;
  • Training material and documentation;
  • Certificate of attendance.

The registration fee per day includes

  • Participation to the course, exercises and technical visits;
  • Coffee breaks & lunches during the course;
  • Training material and documentation.

SCK•CEN reserves the right to cancel a training course or event (e.g. in case of low number of registrations) without reimbursement of already made travel and accommodation arrangements.


Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements. Pre-booking is made at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse for the period Sunday June 16 until Saturday June 22, 2019. Please inform the SCK•CEN Academy team (academy [at] sckcen [dot] be) to confirm your room reservation.

As check-out at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse is on Saturday morning June 22, 2019, participants who want to stay for the GMM festival, are requested to look for their own accommodation. Possibilities can be found on the website of the GMM festival.

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