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Day of the PhD's | October 29, 2015

Auditorium 1 & 2
Boeretang 201


In a conscious desire to increase its pool of highly specialized researchers and to tighten the links with the universities, SCK•CEN embarked, in 1992, on a programme to support PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers. Today, about 62 young scientific researchers are supported by SCK•CEN and perform their work in research field that reflect the priority programmes and R&D topics of SCK•CEN.

Groupe cible

This "Day of the PhD's" aims at bringing together all our young scientific researchers, their promoters and colleagues at the universities, their mentors and other scientific collaborators at SCK•CEN, and the members of the Scientific Council, in order to present and discuss the on-going PhD and post-doc research.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

Programme PhDDay October 29 2015.pdf


Participation to this PhD Day is free of charge.

Informations sur l'inscription

Registration is mandatory for all PhD students, their SCK•CEN mentors and university promoters and is free of charge.

Partager cet événement