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7FP GENTLE intersemester course on nuclear data

23/06/2014 - 27/06/2014
Retieseweg 111


This one week course focuses on the role of nuclear data for calculations of nuclear reactor systems. It covers all steps starting from the measurements, to their validation and final use in nuclear reactor calculations. State of the art nuclear data facilities together with advanced measurement techniques and methods for data analysis will be discussed and made available for practical use. The course also includes a module explaining the production of evaluated data in international recognized data formats. Special attention will be given to the production of variance-covariance information and the use of nuclear data in sensitivity studies and reactor calculations. Lectures will be alternated with measurements at dedicated facilities and computer analysis exercises.

This course is organised by EC-JRC-IRMM in collaboration with SCK•CEN and UPM.


  • Nuclear physics for nuclear energy applications
  • Production and use of nuclear data for neutron induced reactions
  • Nuclear data tools
  • Introduction to the evaluation of uncertainties
  • Nuclear reactor calculations
  • Methodologies for nuclear data uncertainty propagation in reactor calculations

Groupe cible

The course is open to Master and PhD students coming from the GENTLE partners, but also to students coming from other institutions, and to professionals dealing with the course topics in their daily practices.


Le programme complet peut être téléchargé ici:

GENTLE - Nuclear Data.pdf

Connaissances nécessaires

It is a pre-requisite to have knowledge of:

Résultats de l'apprentissage

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

In terms of knowledge:

  • Outline the importance of neutron induced reactions for nuclear (energy) applications

  • Compare neutron sources and particle and radiation detection techniques

  • Explain nuclear data production by neutron activation and time-of-flight measurements

  • Compare nuclear data libraries

In terms of skills:

  • Conduct particle and radiation detection measurements

  • Conduct cross section measurements

  • Conduct nuclear system model calculation

  • Manage uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis

In terms of competences:

  • Be aware of the importance of nuclear data for nuclear (energy) applications


This training course is free of charge for Master and PhD students (coming from GENTLE partners and other institutions).

Informations sur l'inscription

Registration info

This course is organised in the frame of the European project GENTLE (323304,

Registration via this website is mandatory. There is no registration fee. Lunch will be offered free of charge.

Deadline for registrations:

- for non-EU citizins: April 11, 2014

- for EU citizins: May 12, 2014

Deadlines for registrations are based on the time needed to fulfill the access control.


Limited places are available at the SCK•CEN dormitories (budget-friendly). For reservations, please contact Nora Lemmens at nora [dot] lemmens [at] sckcen [dot] be, tel. + 32 14 33 23 74, as soon as possible. Places are only guaranteed until April 2014. More information about the prices can be found on

Alternatively we have also made pre-reservations at the SCK•CEN Club-House. Reservations should be confirmed via clubhouse [at] sckcen [dot] be (clubhouse[at]sckcen[dot]be).

Prices are:

- Single room parking view: 73 € (breakfast incl.)

- Single room lake side: 83 € (breakfast incl.)

Payment of the accommodation should be covered by the participants.Transport from the SCK•CEN Club-House/dormitories (lodging) to EC-JRC-IRMM (course venue) will be offered free of charge.

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