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  • 20230825_SCKCEN-Radon
    25 June '24

    RadoNorm featured on the prestigious list of Europe's best citizen science

    RadoNorm citizen science – a large-scale project to measure and reduce radon levels in your home - featured on the ‘European Union Prize for Citizen Science - Honorary Mentions’ list. The new European prize annually honours innovative and creative projects that demonstrate significant scientific merit and societal impact.

  • SCK CEN - AstroCardia (2023)
    30 August '23

    Belgians send miniature heart into space for ageing research

    AstroCardia develops artificial 'space heart' to study heart health


    Five Belgian companies and research centres are joining forces in the AstroCardia project. With that project, they are making it their mission to improve heart health. And they are doing so in a very special place: in space. This is where they are aiming to better study heart ageing and create a suitable research model for the heart. To do so, they developed an artificial miniature heart and associated circulatory system using 3D bioprinting. This so-called 'heart-on-a-chip' will be sent to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2025.

  • 20221207_SABCA-SCKCEN_BUDDAWAK_drone-BR3-1
    02 February '23

    Radiation detection drones: the sky is not the limit

    SCK CEN and SABCA prove new, precise measurement technique with test flight

    Demonstrating that drones can map radioactivity over a nuclear site or larger area - that is the mission of Belgian nuclear research centre SCK CEN and aerospace specialist SABCA. Last year, we already presented our first 'radiation detection drone' together. Now we are also showing images of the heavier artillery. Indeed, in December 2022, the 'X-8 multicopter drone' made its first extensive test flight. Equipped with 3 rugged CsI (Cesium Iodide Scintillation) detectors, it mapped radiation levels over our own BR3 site.